
On 12 August 2015 at 16:29, Bill Fischofer <bill.fischo...@linaro.org>

> User metadata is entirely under the control of the application.  The only
> thing ODP implementations do with regard to it are:
>    1. Reserve space for it at pool create time.
>    2. Copy it if as part of an ODP API a new packet is implicitly
>    allocated.  For example, the definition of odp_packet_add_data() returns an
>    odp_packet_t that may be the same or different than the input
>    odp_packet_t.  In the latter case, the user area of the input packet is
>    copied to the output packet as part of the operation of the API
> Under discussion here is the option to permit the application to
> initialize the contents of the user area for each element of a packet pool
> at pool create time.

Adding a minor point here. If the requirement is to call this
initialization only during pool create then application will have to reset
the user-area before calling odp_packet_free() API.


> I've added an agenda item for this to today's ARCH call.
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:55 AM, Bala Manoharan <bala.manoha...@linaro.org
> > wrote:
>> On 12 August 2015 at 16:17, Bala Manoharan <bala.manoha...@linaro.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On 12 August 2015 at 15:37, Zoltan Kiss <zoltan.k...@linaro.org> wrote:
>>>> On 12/08/15 07:34, Bala Manoharan wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Comments inline...
>>>>> On 12 August 2015 at 00:01, Zoltan Kiss <zoltan.k...@linaro.org
>>>>> <mailto:zoltan.k...@linaro.org>> wrote:
>>>>>     Applications can preset certain parts of the buffer or user area,
>>>>> so
>>>>>     when that
>>>>>     memory will be allocated it starts from a known state. If the
>>>>> platform
>>>>>     allocates the memory during pool creation, it's enough to run the
>>>>>     constructor
>>>>>     after that. If it's allocating memory on demand, it should call the
>>>>>     constructor each time.
>>>>> [Bala] Not sure if I understand the above description correctly does it
>>>>> mean that if the memory is allocated
>>>>> for an existing pool this call should be called only during the pool
>>>>> creation and not during each and every buffer allocation?
>>>> I'm also not sure I understand the question :) How do you mean "if the
>>>> memory is allocated for an _existing_ pool"? I mean, you can't allocate
>>>> memory for a pool which doesn't exist.
>>>> The key point is "when that memory will be allocated". This callback
>>>> should be called whenever the memory is allocated for the buffer. If it is
>>>> done during pool creation (which I guess most sensible implementations do),
>>>> then it happens then. If for some reason the platform allocates memory when
>>>> someone allocates the buffer, it happens then.
>>> [Bala] Let me try to decrypt my query in a better way :-)
>>> Usually when application calls odp_pool_create() most implementations
>>> will allocate a memory region and map them as pointers based on a fixed
>>> segment size so that when the application calls odp_buffer_allocate() the
>>> segment of this memory pool (segments may be combined depending on the
>>> required size of the buffer ) will be returned to the user.
>>> So my understanding of your requirement is that whenever the application
>>> calls  odp_buffer_alloc() then the user area should be reset to a
>>> predefined value.
>>> So in-case that an application does the following
>>> 1. odp_buffer_alloc()
>>> 2. odp_buffer_free()
>>> 3. odp_buffer_alloc()
>>> For simplicity lets assume the implementation returned the same buffer
>>> during the second odp_buffer_alloc() call ( Basically the buffer gets
>>> reused ) then the implementation should have reset the user-area of the
>>> buffer before returning it to the application. Is this the requirement?
>> [Bala] Missed a sentence here
>> In the above scenario implementation should have reset the user-area
>> before both odp_buffer_alloc() both in step 1 and step 3.
>>> I have additional query regarding the use-case you have defined below
>>> but I would like to get clarity on the above first :)
>>> Regards,
>>> Bala
>>>> Then it will be applications responsibility to reset the user area
>>>>> before freeing the buffer? Is this the use-case this API is trying to
>>>>> address?
>>>> No, the application is not required to reset it at any time. It can do
>>>> that, if it's what it wants. The only requirement is that the buffer starts
>>>> from a known state after its memory was allocated.
>>>> The use case is the following: OVS has it's layer to handle buffers
>>>> from different sources, e.g. it has to be able to differentiate between
>>>> packets coming from DPDK and ODP (the latter can run DPDK underneath as
>>>> well, but that's a different story ...). It stores a "struct dp_packet" in
>>>> the user area to store data about the packet:
>>>> https://git.linaro.org/lng/odp-ovs.git/blob/HEAD:/lib/dp-packet.h#l41
>>>> Most of these fields will be set during processing to their right
>>>> value, however there are two things we need to set right after receive:
>>>> "source" to DPBUF_ODP and "odp_pkt" to point to the odp_packet_t itself.
>>>> The first value will be the same for all ODP packets, every time. And the
>>>> second is known when the underlying memory was allocated.
>>>> Both of them could be set when the pool is created, OVS-DPDK does that
>>>> already, but ODP-OVS has to reset these values after every receive. Even
>>>> when it's only a few cycles to set and maybe unnecessary cache loads, it's
>>>> still a lot of cycles when you receive at 10-40-100 Gbps.
>>>>>     Signed-off-by: Zoltan Kiss <zoltan.k...@linaro.org
>>>>>     <mailto:zoltan.k...@linaro.org>>
>>>>>     ---
>>>>>       include/odp/api/pool.h | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>       1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
>>>>>     diff --git a/include/odp/api/pool.h b/include/odp/api/pool.h
>>>>>     index 2e79a55..1bd19bf 100644
>>>>>     --- a/include/odp/api/pool.h
>>>>>     +++ b/include/odp/api/pool.h
>>>>>     @@ -41,6 +41,20 @@ extern "C" {
>>>>>       #define ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN  32
>>>>>       /**
>>>>>     + * Buffer constructor callback function for pools.
>>>>>     + *
>>>>>     + * @param pool          Handle of the pool which owns the buffer
>>>>>     + * @param buf_ctor_arg  Opaque pointer defined in odp_pool_param_t
>>>>>     + * @param buf           Pointer to the buffer
>>>>>     + *
>>>>>     + * @note If the application specifies this pointer, it expects
>>>>> that
>>>>>     every buffer
>>>>>     + * is initialized with it when the underlying memory is allocated.
>>>>>     + */
>>>>>     +typedef void (odp_pool_buf_ctor_t)(odp_pool_t pool,
>>>>>     +                                  void *buf_ctor_arg,
>>>>>     +                                  void *buf);
>>>>>     +
>>>>> [Bala] We have avoided call back functions in ODP architecture so if
>>>>> the
>>>>> requirement can be addressed without a call-back maybe we can follow
>>>>> that approach. Again I am not clear if this call-back function should
>>>>> be
>>>>> called only once during pool creation or every time during buffer
>>>>> alloc.
>>>>>     +/**
>>>>>        * Pool parameters
>>>>>        * Used to communicate pool creation options.
>>>>>        */
>>>>>     @@ -88,6 +102,12 @@ typedef struct odp_pool_param_t {
>>>>>                              uint32_t num;
>>>>>                      } tmo;
>>>>>              };
>>>>>     +
>>>>>     +       /** Buffer constructor to initialize every buffer. Use NULL
>>>>>     if no
>>>>>     +           initialization needed. */
>>>>>     +       odp_pool_buf_ctor_t *buf_ctor;
>>>>>     +       /** Opaque pointer passed to buffer constructor */
>>>>>     +       void *buf_ctor_arg;
>>>>>       } odp_pool_param_t;
>>>>>       /** Packet pool*/
>>>>>     --
>>>>>     1.9.1
>>>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>>>     lng-odp mailing list
>>>>>     lng-odp@lists.linaro.org <mailto:lng-odp@lists.linaro.org>
>>>>>     https://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/lng-odp
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bala
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