This is the rendered doc

On 17 November 2015 at 12:15, Bill Fischofer <>

> Add a basic ODP overview to the User's Guide, providing
> an overview of ODP concepts, components, etc. Included
> are a number of diagrams covering component structure
> as well as packet RX, event scheduling, and packet TX
> processing.
> Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <>
> ---
>  doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc | 400
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 398 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
> b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
> index 7f70046..cf77fa0 100644
> --- a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
> +++ b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
> @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ OpenDataPlane (ODP)  Users-Guide
>  Abstract
>  --------
>  This document is intended to guide a new ODP application developer.
> -Further details about ODP may be found at then[ODP]
> home page.
> +Further details about ODP may be found at the[ODP]
> home page.
>  .Overview of a system running ODP applications
>  image::../images/overview.png[align="center"]
> @@ -16,6 +16,403 @@ image::../images/overview.png[align="center"]
>  ODP is an API specification that allows many implementations to provide
> platform independence, automatic hardware acceleration and CPU scaling to
> high performance networking  applications.
>  This document describes how to write an application that can successfully
> take advantage of the API.
> +:numbered:
> +== Introduction ==
> +.OpenDataPlane Components
> +image::../images/odp_components.png[align="center"]
> +
> +.The ODP API Specification
> +ODP consists of three separate but related component parts. First, ODP is
> an
> +abstract API specification that describes a functional model for
> +data plane applications. This specification covers many common data plane
> +application programming needs, such as the ability to receive,
> manipulate, and
> +transmit packet data, without specifying how these functions are
> performed. This
> +is quite intentional. It is precisely because ODP APIs do not have a
> preferred
> +embodiment that they permit innovation in how these functions can
> +be realized on various platforms that offer implementations of ODP. To
> achieve
> +this goal, ODP APIs are described using abstract data types whose
> definition
> +is left up to the ODP implementer.  For example, in ODP packets are
> referenced
> +by abstract handles of type +odp_packet_t+, and packet-related APIs take
> +arguments of this type. What an +odp_packet_t+ actually is is not part of
> the
> +ODP API specification--that is the responsibility of each ODP
> implementation.
> +
> +.Summary: ODP API attributes:
> +* Open Source, open contribution, BSD-3 licensed.
> +* Vendor and platform neutral.
> +* Application-centric.  Covers functional needs of data plane
> applications.
> +* Ensures portability by specifying the functional behavior of ODP.
> +* Defined jointly and openly by application writers and platform
> implementers.
> +* Archiected to be implementable on a wide range of platforms efficiently
> +* Sponsored, governed, and maintained by the Linaro Networking Group (LNG)
> +
> +.ODP Implementations
> +Second, ODP consists of multiple implementations of this API
> specification,
> +each tailored to a specific target platform. ODP implementations determine
> +how each ODP abstract type is represented on that platform and how each
> +API is realized. On some platforms, ODP APIs will
> +be realized using specialized instructions that accelerate the functional
> +behavior specified by the API. On others, hardware co-processing engines
> may
> +completely offload the API so that again it can be performed with little
> or no
> +involvement by a CPU. In all cases, the application sees the same
> +functional behavior independent of how a given platform has chosen to
> realize
> +it. By allowing each platform the freedom to determine how best to
> realize each
> +API's specified functional behavior in an optimal manner, ODP permits
> +applications written to its APIs to take full advantage of the unique
> +capabilities of each platform without the application programmer needing
> to
> +have specialist knowledge of that platform or to be concerned with how
> best
> +to tune the application to a particular platform. This latter
> consideration is
> +particularly important in Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
> environments
> +where the application will run on a target platform chosen by someone
> else.
> +
> +.Summary: ODP Implementation Characteristics
> +* One size does not fit all--supporting multiple implementations allows
> +to adapt to widely differing internals among platforms.
> +* Anyone can create an ODP implementation tailored to their platform
> +* Distribution and mainteinance of each implementation is as owner wishes
> +  - Open source or closed source as business needs determine
> +  - Have independent release cycles and service streams
> +* Allows HW and SW innovation in how ODP APIs are implemented on each
> platform.
> +
> +.Reference Implementations
> +To make it easy to get started with implementing ODP on a new platform,
> +supplies a number of _reference implementations_ that can serve as a
> +starting point.  The two primary references implementations supplied by
> ODP are
> +*odp-linux* and *odp-dpdk*
> +
> +.odp-linux
> +The *odp-linux* reference implementation is a pure SW implementation of
> the
> +ODP API that relies only on the Linux programming API. As a functional
> model
> +for ODP, it enables ODP to be bootstrapped easily to any platform that
> +supports a Linux kernel.
> +
> +.odp-dpdk
> +The *odp-dpdk* reference implementation is a pure SW implementation of the
> +ODP API that uses[DPDK] as a SW accelerator. In
> particular,
> +*odp-dpdk* offers superior I/O performance for systems that use NICs,
> allowing
> +ODP applications to take immediate full advantage of the various NIC
> device
> +drivers supported by DPDK.
> +
> +.Summary: ODP Reference Implementations
> +* Open source, open contribution, BSD-3 licensed.
> +* Provide easy bootstrapping of ODP onto new platforms
> +* Implementers free to borrow or tailor code as needed for their platform
> +* Implementers retain full control over their implementations whether or
> not
> +they are derived from a reference implementation.
> +
> +.ODP Validation Test Suite
> +Third, to enure consistency between different ODP implementations, ODP
> +consists of a validation suite that verifies that any given
> implementation of
> +ODP faithfully provides the specified functional behavior of each ODP API.
> +As a separate open source component, the validation suite may be used by
> +application writers, system integrators, and platform providers alike to
> +confirm that any purported implementation of ODP does indeed conform to
> the
> +ODP API specification.
> +
> +.Summary: ODP Validation Test Suite
> +* Synchronized with ODP API specification
> +* Maintained and distributed by LNG
> +* Open source, open contribution, BSD-3 licensed.
> +* Key to ensuring application portability across all ODP implementations
> +* Tests that ODP implementations conform to the specified functional
> behavior
> +of ODP APIs.
> +* Can be run at any time by users and vendors to validat implementations
> +od ODP.
> +
> +=== ODP API Specification Versioning ===
> +As an evolving standard, the ODP API specification is released under an
> +incrementing version number, and corresponding implementations of ODP, as
> well
> +as the validation suite that verifies API conformance, are linked to this
> +version number. ODP versions are specified using a stanard three-level
> +number (major.minor.fixlevel) that are incremented according to the
> degree of
> +change the level represents. Increments to the fixlevel represent
> clarification
> +of the specification or other minor changes that do not affect either the
> +syntax or semantics of the specification. Such changes in the API
> specification
> +are expected to be rare. Increments to the minor level
> +represent the introduction of new APIs or functional capabilities, or
> changes
> +to he specified syntax or functional behavior of APIs and thus may require
> +application source code changes. Such changes are well documented in the
> +release notes for each revision of the specification. Finally, increments
> to
> +the major level represent significant structural changes that most likely
> +require some level of application source code change, again as documented
> in
> +the release notes for that version.
> +
> +=== ODP Implementation Versioning ===
> +ODP implementations are free to use whatever release naming/numbering
> +conventions they wish, as long as it is clear what level of the ODP API a
> given
> +release implements. A recommended convention is to use the same three
> level
> +numbering scheme where the major and minor numbers correspond to the ODP
> +level and the fixlevel represents an implementation-defined service level
> +associated with that API level implementation. The LNG-supplied ODP
> reference
> +implementations follow this convention.
> +
> +=== ODP Validation Test Suite Versioning ===
> +The ODP validation test suite follows these same naming conventions. The
> major
> +and minor release numbers correspond to the ODP API level that the suite
> +validates and the fixlevel represents the service level of the validation
> +suite itself for that API level.
> +
> +=== ODP Design Goals ===
> +ODP has three primary goals that follow from its component structure. The
> first
> +is application portability across a wide range of platforms. These
> platforms
> +differ in terms of processor instruction set architecture, number and
> types of
> +application processing cores, memory oranization, as well as the number
> and
> +type of platform specific hardware acceleration and offload features that
> +are available. ODP applications can move from one conforming
> implementation
> +to another with at most a recompile.
> +
> +Second, ODP is designed to permit data plane applications to avail
> themselves
> +of platform-specific features, including specialized hardware
> accelerators,
> +without specialized programming. This is achieved by separating the API
> +specification from their implementation on individual platforms. Since
> each
> +platform implements each ODP API in a manner optimal to that platform,
> +applications automatically gain the benefit of such optimizations without
> the
> +need for explicit programming.
> +
> +Third, ODP is designed to allow applications to scale out automatically to
> +support many core architectures. This is done using an event based
> programming
> +model that permits applications to be written to be independent of the
> number
> +of processing cores that are available to realize application function.
> The
> +result is that an application written to this model does not require
> redesign
> +as it scales from 4, to 40, to 400 cores.
> +
> +== Organization of this Document ==
> +This document is organized into several sections. The first presents a
> high
> +level overview of the ODP API component areas and their associated
> abstract
> +data types. This section introduces ODP APIs at a conceptual level.
> +The second provides a tutorial on the programming model(s)
> +supported by ODP, paying particular attention to the event model as this
> +represents the preferred structure for most ODP applications. This section
> +builds on the concepts introduced in the first section and shows how ODP
> +applications are structured to best realize the three ODP design goals
> +mentioned earlier. The third section provides a more detailed overview of
> +the major ODP API components and is designed to serve as a companion to
> the
> +full reference specification for each API. The latter is intended to be
> used
> +by ODP application programmers, as well as implementers, to understand the
> +precise syntax and semantics of each API.
> +
> +== ODP API Concepts ==
> +ODP programs are built around several conceptual structures that every
> +appliation programmer needs to be familiar with to use ODP effectively.
> The
> +main ODP concepts are:
> +Thread, Event, Queue, Pool, Shared Memory, Buffer, Packet, PktIO, Timer,
> +and Synchronizer.
> +
> +=== Thread ===
> +The thread is the fundamental programming unit in ODP.  ODP applications
> are
> +organized into a collection of threads that perform the work that the
> +application is designed to do. ODP threads may or may not share memory
> with
> +other threads--that is up to the implementation. Threads come in two
> "flavors":
> +control and worker, that are represented by the abstract type
> ++odp_thread_type_t+.
> +
> +A control thread is a supervisory thread that organizes
> +the operation of worker threads. Worker threads, by contrast, exist to
> +perform the main processing logic of the application and employ a run to
> +completion model. Worker threads, in particular, are intended to operate
> on
> +dedicated processing cores, especially in many core proessing
> environments,
> +however a given implementation may multitask multiple threads on a single
> +core if desired (typically on smaller and lower performance target
> +environments).
> +
> +In addition to thread types, threads have associated _attributes_ such as
> +_thread mask_ and _scheduler group_ that determine where they can run and
> +the type of work that they can handle. These will be discussed in greater
> +detail later.
> +
> +=== Event ===
> +Events are what threads process to perform their work. Events can
> represent
> +new work, such as the arrival of a packet that needs to be processed, or
> they
> +can represent the completion of requests that have executed
> asynchronously.
> +Events can also represent notifications of the passage of time, or of
> status
> +changes in various components of interest to the application. Events have
> an
> +event type that describes what it represents. Threads can create new
> events
> +or consume events processed by them, or they can perform some processing
> on
> +an event and then pass it along to another component for further
> processing.
> +References to events are via handles of abstract type +odp_event_t+. Cast
> +functions are provided to convert these into specific handles of the
> +appropriate type represented by the event.
> +
> +=== Queue ===
> +A queue is a message passing channel that holds events.  Events can be
> +added to a queue via enqueue operations or removed from a queue via
> dequeue
> +operations. The endpoints of a queue will vary depending on how it is
> used.
> +Queues come in two major types: polled and scheduled, which will be
> +discussed in more detail when the event model is introduced. Queues may
> also
> +have an associated context, which represents a persistent state for all
> +events that make use of it. These states are what permit threads to
> perform
> +stateful processing on events as well as stateless processing.
> +
> +Queues are represented by handles of abstract type +odp_queue_t+.
> +
> +=== Pool ===
> +A pool is a shared memory area from which elements may be drawn. Pools
> +represent the backing store for events, among other things. Pools are
> +typically created and destroyed by the application during initialization
> and
> +termination, respectively, and then used during processing. Pools may be
> +used by ODP components exclusively, by applications exclusively, or their
> +use may be shared between the two. Pools have an associated type that
> +characterizes the elements that they contain. The two most important pool
> types
> +are Buffer and Packet.
> +
> +Pools are represented by handles of abstract type +odp_pool_t+.
> +
> +=== Shared Memory ===
> +Shared memory represents raw blocks of storage that are sharable between
> +threads. They are the building blocks of pools but can be used directly by
> +ODP applications if desired.
> +
> +Shared memory is represented by handles of abstract type +odp_shm_t+.
> +
> +=== Buffer ===
> +A buffer is a fixed sized block of shared storage that is used by ODP
> +components and/or applications to realize their function. Buffers contain
> +zero or more bytes of application data as well as system maintained
> +metadata that provide information about the buffer, such as its size or
> the
> +pool it was allocated from. Metadata is an important ODP concept because
> it
> +allows for arbitrary amounts of side information to be associated with an
> +ODP object. Most ODP objects have assocaited metadata and this metadata is
> +manipulated via accessor functions that act as getters and setters for
> +this information. Getter acces functions permit an application to read
> +a metadata item, while setter access functions permit an application to
> write
> +a metadata item. Note that some metadata is inherently read only and thus
> +no setter is provided to manipulate it.  When object have multiple
> metadata
> +items, each has its own associated getter and/or setter access function to
> +inspect or manipulate it.
> +
> +Buffers are represened by handles of abstract type +odp_buffer_t+.
> +
> +=== Packet ===
> +Packets are received and transmitted via I/O interfaces and represent
> +the basic data that data plane applications manipulate.
> +Packets are drawn from pools of type +ODP_POOL_PACKET+.
> +Unlike  buffers, which are simple objects,
> +ODP packets have a rich set of semantics that permit their inspection
> +and manipulation in complex ways to be described later. Packets also
> support
> +a rich set of metadata as well as user metadata. User metadata permits
> +applications to associate an application-determined amount of side
> information
> +with each packet for its own use.
> +
> +Packets are represented by handles of abstract type +odp_packet_t+.
> +
> +=== PktIO ===
> +PktIO is how ODP represents I/O interfaces. A pktio object is a logical
> +port capable of receiving and/or transmitting packets. This may be
> directly
> +supported by the underlying platform as an integrated feature,
> +or may represent a device attached via a PCIE or other bus.
> +
> +PktIOs are represented by handles of abstract type +odp_pktio_t+.
> +
> +=== Timer ===
> +Timers are how ODP applications measure and respond to the passage of
> time.
> +Timers are drawn from specialized pools called timer pools that have their
> +own abstract type (+odp_timer_pool_t+). Applications may have many timers
> +active at the same time and can set them to use either relative or
> absolute
> +time. When timers expire they create events of type +odp_timeout_t+, which
> +serve as notifications of timer expiration.
> +
> +=== Synchronizer ===
> +Multiple threads operating in parallel typically require various
> +synchronization services to permit them to operate in a reliable and
> +coordinated manner. ODP provides a rich set of locks, barriers, and
> similar
> +synchronization primitives, as well as abstract types for representing
> various
> +types of atomic variables. The ODP event model also makes use of queues to
> +avoid the need for explicit locking in many cases. This will be discussed
> +in the next section.
> +
> +== ODP Components ==
> +Building on ODP concepts, ODP offers several components that relate to the
> +flow of work through an ODP application. These include the Classifier,
> +Scheduler, and Traffic Manager.  These components relate to the three
> +main stages of packet processing: Receive, Process, and Transmit.
> +
> +=== Classifier ===
> +The *Classifier* provides a suite of APIs that control packet receive (RX)
> +processing.
> +
> +.ODP Receive Processing with Classifier
> +image::../images/odp_rx_processing.png[align="center"]
> +
> +The classifier provides two logically related services:
> +[horizontal]
> +Packet parsing:: Verifying and extracting structural information from a
> +received packet.
> +
> +Packet classification:: Applying *Pattern Matching Rules (PMRs)* to the
> +parsed results to assign an incoming packet to a *Class of Service (CoS)*.
> +
> +Combined, these permit incoming packets to be sorted into *flows*, which
> are
> +logically related sequences of packets that share common processing
> +requirements. While many data plane applications perform stateless packet
> +processing (_e.g.,_ for simple forwarding) others perform stateful packet
> +processing.  Flows anchor state information relating to these groups of
> +packets.
> +
> +A CoS determines two variables for packets belonging to a flow:
> +[list]
> +* The pool that they will be stored in on receipt
> +* The queue that they will be added to for processing
> +
> +The PMRs supported by ODP permit flow determination based on combinations
> of
> +packet field values (tuples). The main advantage of classification is
> that on
> +many platforms these functions are performed in hardware, meaning that
> +classification occurs at line rate as packets are being received without
> +any explicit processing by the ODP application.
> +
> +Note that the use of the classifier is optional.  Applications may
> directly
> +receive packets from a corresponding PktIO input queue via direct polling
> +if they choose.
> +
> +=== Scheduler ===
> +The *Scheduler* provides a suite of APIs that control scalabable event
> +processing.
> +
> +.ODP Scheduler and Event Processing
> +image::../images/odp_scheduling.png[align="center"]
> +
> +The Scheduler is responsible for selecting and dispatching one or more
> events
> +to a requesting thread. Event selection is based on several factors
> involving
> +both the queues containing schedulable events and the thread making an
> ++odp_schedule()+ or +odp_schedule_multi()+ call.
> +
> +ODP queues have a _scheduling priority_ that determines how urgently
> events
> +on them should be processed relative to events contained in other queues.
> +Queues also have a _scheduler group id_ associated with them that must
> match
> +the associated scheduler group _thread mask_ of the thread calling the
> +scheduler. This permits events to be grouped for processing into classes
> and
> +have threads that are dedicated to processing events from specified
> classes.
> +Threads can join and leave scheduler groups dynamically, permitting easy
> +application response to increases in demand.
> +
> +When a thread receives an event from the scheduler, it in turn can invoke
> +other processing engines via ODP APIs (_e.g.,_ crypto processing) that
> +can operate asynchronously. When such processing is complete, the result
> is
> +that a *completion event* is added to a schedulable queue where it can be
> +scheduled back to a thread to continue processing with the results of the
> +requested asynchronous operation.
> +
> +Threads themselves can enqueue events to queues for downstream processing
> +by other threads, permitting flexibility in how applicaitions structure
> +themselves to maximize concurrency.
> +
> +=== Traffic Manager ===
> +The *Traffic Manager* provides a suite of APIs that control traffic
> shaping and
> +Quality of Service (QoS) processing for packet output.
> +
> +.ODP Transmit processing with Traffic Manager
> +image::../images/odp_traffic_manager.png[align="center"]
> +
> +The final stage of packet processing is to transmit it. Here,
> applications have
> +several choices.  As with RX processing, applications may send packets
> +directly to PktIO TX queues for direct transmission.  Often, however,
> +applications need to perform traffic shaping and related
> +*Quality of Service (QoS)* processing on the packets comprising a flow as
> part
> +of transmit processing. To handle this need, ODP provides a suite of
> +*Traffic Manager* APIs that permit programmatic establishment of arbiters,
> +shapers, etc. that control output packet processing to achieve desired QoS
> +goals. Again, the advantage here is that on many platforms traffic
> management
> +functions are implemented in hardware, permitting transparent offload of
> +this work.
> +
>  Glossary
>  --------
>  [glossary]
> @@ -28,7 +425,6 @@ odp_thread::
>  event::
>      An event is a notification that can be placed in a queue.
> -:numbered:
>  The include structure
>  ---------------------
>  Applications only include the 'include/odp.h file which includes the
> 'platform/<implementation name>/include/plat' files to provide a complete
> definition of the API on that platform.
> --
> 2.1.4
> _______________________________________________
> lng-odp mailing list

Mike Holmes
Technical Manager - Linaro Networking Group <> *│ *Open source software for ARM SoCs
lng-odp mailing list

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