On 12/16/2015 20:22, Mike Holmes wrote:

On 16 December 2015 at 05:50, Maxim Uvarov <maxim.uva...@linaro.org <mailto:maxim.uva...@linaro.org>> wrote:

    On 12/15/2015 21:06, Mike Holmes wrote:

        Describe how changes to the public api are handled from
        release to release.

        Signed-off-by: Mike Holmes <mike.hol...@linaro.org
          doc/process-guide/release-guide.adoc | 38
          1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)

        diff --git a/doc/process-guide/release-guide.adoc
        index f5d29d2..d932118 100644
        --- a/doc/process-guide/release-guide.adoc
        +++ b/doc/process-guide/release-guide.adoc
        @@ -134,3 +134,41 @@ made every month if sufficient change has
            === Implementation (Impl) ===
          Platform specific free form text relating to the version.
        +== Deprecated APIs
        +Whenever an API is changed as part of an api-next patch the
        following rules
        +apply to provide a warning to implementers and users.
        +* A patch will be applied to api-next that adds the
        deprecated indication to
        +the old public API in odp/include

    That sentence should never be in product documentation. Plans can
    be in
    Jira cards, bugs, mailing list, but published docs should relay
    only on work
    which is already done.

I dont follow the rationale that this is the wrong place, this is the document that does describe how we will operate, we dont specify which patch just how they will be used.

Sorry, for first read I thought that want to send patch to api-next to mark functions as deprecated. Instead of current one. But you just defining list of rules for such deprecated patch. It's a little bit confusing senescence for me as non native English.
Might be:
1. add ":" after "users". So reader can expect some list.
2. Rephrase sentence to: "Patch which marks existence api (odp/include) with deprecated indication should be applied on api-next first. Same way as all other api changes patches."

(if we name it "rules", not "plans" - it has to be not future form, right? I.e. have to, must).

        +* A patch will be applied to api-next that adds the new API
        and removes the
        +old, in these cases the implementation and tests must also
        change at the same
        +time to ensure that CI shows no regressions in the api-next

    same here.

describing how we operate is the purpose of this doc
That also I understood wrongly.

But replace old by new is not deprecation. It's just api replacement. That should be in api-next branch description. And chapter Deprecated APIs should have rules only suitable for deprecation.

        +* When the Release Manager has scheduled the api change to be
        released in a
        +future version, the initial deprecated patch will be moved to
        next branch and
        +released in the next release cycle.
        +* When at a minim of one release cycle has passed, and
        possibly longer as
        +specified by the Release Manager the complete change will be
        merged to next and
        +then released in the next cycle.

    Release Manager scheduled in next release cycle ... It's it too
    to read and understand when and what will be done. How about be more
    community friendly in sentences? Something like:

We can certainly try to make it clearer and put the points on a diagram to show how they relate in time.

My point is - it's easy to mark function as deprecated. But you never know what time will take transition period that everybody will stop using it. Linux kernel has some deprecated function which warn for years. And I think that right thing will be discussion before next big release if we want to remove some specific functions.

    ODP API provides special API to mark function and data types as

This is not true, there is no API only a doxygen comment.

everything what is in ./include/odp/api we consider as API, right?

#define ODP_DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__))

    Marking function as deprecated means that ODP Community will
    support all
    functionality for that function, validation tests and test
    execution in CI system.

No, deprecated means literally that you should stop using something. In our case becasue it will change and you can view the new version in api-next.

It depends from with point of view you are looking. Yes it says - stop using it. But that api should still have implementation and validation tests for linux-generic. I.e. we have to support it for some time until it's completely removed.

    Because of support of both new API and deprecated adds additional
    load and
    increase complexity marking functions as deprecated will happen
    only for
    specific reason.

We will mark them deprecated when the current API can be shown to be deficient and a better alternative has already been proven in api-next.

yes, it was just sentence to document. That there should be specific reason.

    That reason should be valuable, discussed in ODP community meetings,
recorded in mailing list and corresponding bug entry should be open.

Yes, that is why we created api-next so that the community can comment and give feedback

also just sentence to your process doc - where exactly we store that specific reason.

    Also some transition
    period for supporting old API should be defined.

The release manager role is the one that ensures that all the process has been completed and schedules the change to actually occur, at no point will the old api be supported concurrently unless it is in a long term support version. The period for which the deprecated element is flagged will vary and will generally be reached by consensus in api-next discussion.

It does not matter who will control that process. Idea is that document should say where it will be documented. I.e. each developer can go to bug entry find information that for example function x() is deprecated in odp1.5 and will be removed in odp2.0, use y().
Might be doxygen can have all information about time.

btw, can we in doxygen have list of all things marked as @deprecated? That list will be very easy to review.

        +NOTE: Any given release never supports two versions of an API

    That is not what deprecated means. I.e. deprecated means
    absolutely opposite - support old version
    and new at the same time.

No, "*Deprecation* is an attribute applied to a computer software <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_software> feature, characteristic, or practice to indicate that it should be avoided (often because it is being superseded). "
It says nothing about supporting it in parallel with a new variant.
ODP support during this period comes in the form that the old api will still work while the warning is in effect that you should plan on stopping using it. You don't have to stop using it, you could remain on that release.

Yes. Again, from which side are you looking from odp apps developer or from odp developer. Both api have to work. That means they should
pass and have validation tests, correct implementation and etc.

        +.Marking a deprecated API element
        + * Get buffer handle from event
        + *
        + * Converts an ODP_EVENT_BUFFER type event to a buffer.
        + *
        + * @deprecated  This api will be removed for some good reason
        defined here

    doxygen is not enough I think. Also here might be some short
    description and link to bug.

    +odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_from_event(odp_event_t ev) ODP_DEPRECATED;
    and compile with: -Wno-deprecated-declarations


        + *
        + * @param ev   Event handle
        + *
        + * @return Buffer handle
        + *
        + * @see odp_event_type()
        + */
        +odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_from_event(odp_event_t ev);
        \ No newline at end of file

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Mike Holmes
Technical Manager - Linaro Networking Group
Linaro.org <http://www.linaro.org/>***│ *Open source software for ARM SoCs

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