
As far as I understand, the ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY flag used when creating shared
memory blocks is used to tell ODP that no 'HW' will try to access that
shared memory.

Is the ODP HW included in this?... If ODP provide HW acceleration for some
functions, would the usage of this flag tell ODP that the application will
not use these ODP functions on that memory block?. I cannot really see such
an example right now -crypto only works on packets If I am correct, and the
application is not given the chance to affect the shmem flags for the
packets-... but still: Are we talking any HW or just non ODP HW?

If this flag is just telling that non ODP HW will not touch the shmem area,
then I am wondering what HW we talk about... But, at least it is relatively
well defined. I assume we will regard NIC HW as non ODP in that case...(?)
If this is including HW that might accelerate ODP functions, I see a
problem as it implies that the ODP application would have to know about the
ODP implementation...

Maybe I should just be told why this flag was put in to start with... :-)


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