
FYI. Went through these old discussions while updating Traffic manager
documentation and felt the technical discussion might benefit the group.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barry Spinney <spin...@mellanox.com>
Date: 15 April 2016 at 23:41
Subject: RE: Marking API
To: Bala Manoharan <bala.manoha...@linaro.org>

Do you mind if we invite Bill.  That way he can be the tiebreaker if we
don’t agree at the end.

I really want to close this asap.

Regarding suitable time,  - 15 minutes after you get back to me (assuming
Bill is free).

Thanx Barry.

*From:* Bala Manoharan [mailto:bala.manoha...@linaro.org]
*Sent:* Friday, April 15, 2016 1:17 PM

*To:* Barry Spinney
*Subject:* Re: Marking API

Hi Barry,

I do not have an issue with setting the DSCP field but the real question is
whether we provide the freedom to set all the 6 bits of DSCP field to
application. Currently with your proposal there is a freedom for the
application to set all the 6-bits of DSCP filed to any value it wants, I
would like to restrict this since for establishing drop precedence as per
RFC 2597 for all 4 AF classes can be achieved by altering bits 1 and 2
alone and IMO this value can be changed by the implementation by just
getting the drop precedence enabled or disabled boolean set by the

                        Class 1    Class 2    Class 3    Class 4


     Low Drop Prec    |  001010  |  010010  |  011010  |  100010  |

     Medium Drop Prec |  001100  |  010100  |  011100  |  100100  |

     High Drop Prec   |  001110  |  010110  |  011110  |  100110  |


Any programming logic can be efficiently performed in SW as you have
explained yourself but when traffic manager is implemented in HW the
options are really limited and we can only set 4 bits in the output packet
based on packet colour. If there comes a HW implementation in the future
with ability to modify DSCP bit to any value depending upon packet colour
then we can add this feature as optional and I will NOT object the same :)

P.S: Maybe we can have a quick HO so sort out this issue. Pls suggest your
suitable time.


On 15 April 2016 at 20:36, Barry Spinney <spin...@mellanox.com> wrote:

Why not add a dscp field bit mask?  For example using RFC 2597 code points
listed on page 6,

which are divided into 4 classes and 3 drop precedence levels, one could
set the pkt to

MEDIUM DP (say for yellow) by using a bit mask of 0b000110 and a dscp value
of 0b000100

and to set the pkt to HIGH DP (say for red) one would use the same bit mask
of 0b000110,

but a dscp value of 0b000110.  The algorithm foe setting JUST the dscp
field would be

effectively “dscp = (dscp & ~dscp_mask_parameter) | (new_dscp_parameter &

If properly coded (i.e. doing precomputations) then this probably takes one
extra ld byte instruction over

the specific case.

Regarding performance ANY change in the TOS field for a SW implementation
like linux-generic may be

dominated by the cost of updating the IPv4 header checksum.  Because of
this I have coded up an

“incremental” IPv4 header checksum algorithm, which probably still takes
more cycles than the TOS

masking and oring above.

Thanx Barry.

*From:* Bala Manoharan [mailto:bala.manoha...@linaro.org]
*Sent:* Friday, April 15, 2016 8:03 AM
*To:* Barry Spinney
*Subject:* Re: Marking API

Hi Barry,

I agree with the fact that the APIs should not be too oriented with any one
platform, but the reason behind my arguments is that it is difficult to
manipulate 6-bits of DSCP per packet for each colour, this will be a
performance bottleneck if not supported directly in the HW. Most
implementations should be capable of supporting HIGH and MEDIUM drop
precedence since it only affects 2 bits out of 6 DSCP bits.

Hence the requirement from my side is that the marking APIs can support
ability to enable Drop Eligibility, ECN and Drop precedence as a boolean
per color.

I would like to remove the ability to set all the 6-bits of DSCP field
since it increases the number of bits needed to be modified per packet per

If my explanation is not clear, we can both have a quick HO to sort out the


On 15 April 2016 at 11:23, Barry Spinney <spin...@mellanox.com> wrote:

So I have documented and implemented all of the agreed upon

marking changes BUT I haven't had the time to research the

"subset of the diffserv 6 bits used for Drop Eligible".

Instead can you send me EXACTLY how your HW sets a subset of

these 8 TOS bits?  Or help me boil down the RFC into a simple

algorithm like "if (this is so) then use this bit mask to clear some

of the 6/8 bits and then or in this bit value else use some other

technique to set the 6/8 bits like so".  I STILL would like to be able

to have the final algorithm be able to set the 6 bit dscp value

arbitrarily - based on color" - even if your HW does NOT allow

this.  I.e. I don't want to have the marking API ONLY match Cavium

HW and nothing else.

Thanx Barry.

(p.s. All my tests seem to now work fine and so hopefully tomorrow

I will be starting to submit the "final" patches (well at least final

for this week)).
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