On 9 May 2016 23:54, "Bill Fischofer" <bill.fischo...@linaro.org> wrote:
> The purpose of this thread is to summarize the discussions we've had over
the past week on this topic and to foster discussion. The goal here is to
reach consensus on a complete specification for ODP in this area that can
be added to the User Guide for Monarch, as well as to form the basis for
any expansion work needed in this area for Tiger Moth.
> Background
> =========
> An ODP instance is bounded by everything between an odp_init_global()
through a matching odp_term_global() call. Applications are expected to
make use of a single ODP instance, though systems may support multiple
concurrent applications, each of which have their own independent ODP
instances. Communication between different applications is via independent
of whether either of them are making use of ODP and is expected to be via
standard OS or I/O mechanisms. The ODP Pktio IPC mechanism is experimental
and not enabled by default in Monarch.
> Threads and Processes
> ==================
> ODP itself does not define a threading model or provide APIs for creating
or destroying threads. The odp_thread_t type is intended to be an
abstraction of whatever underlying threading model is available to the
application via OS or other means outside the scope of ODP. ODP provides a
limited number of thread APIs for basic identification purposes. These
> odp_thread_id() - to obtain a unique thread ID for the current thread
> odp_thread_count() - to determine the number of threads that are running
in the current ODP instance
> odp_thread_count_max() - to determine the maximum number of threads that
can be supported by the current ODP instance
> odp_thread_type - to determine whether the current thread is a worker or
control thread
> In particular, ODP does not specify whether threads are implemented
within a single address space or separate address spaces.
> To facilitate operation in Linux environments, ODP provides a series of
"helper" APIs that layer on top of Linux pthreads. These are found in
helper/include/odp/helper/linux.h and include:
> odph_linux_pthread_create() - to create a pthread
> odph_linux_pthread_join() - to wait for pthreads to exit
> odph_linux_process_fork() - to fork a linux process
> odph_linux_process_fork_n() - to fork a number of linux processes in a
single call
> odph_linux_ process_wait_n() - to wait for a number of linux processes to
> These helper functions provide a means of setting pthread attributes and
process affinity flags as part of their operation, but again being helpers
and not ODP APIs they do not determine ODP API semantics.
> Issues
> =====
> Several issues have been identified as a result of the above. The main
issue is what, if anything, does ODP have to say about whether addresses
derived from handles returned by ODP APIs may or may not be shared among
threads?  The consensus seems to be that ODP itself is silent on this
subject. While it is recognized that it is convenient for applications to
share addresses between threads, whether or not they can do so safely is a
function of both application design and the underlying ODP implementation.
> For example, if an application consists of multiple threads prior to the
odp_global_init() call, then it is undefined whether handles, let alone
addresses, derived from that ODP instance are sharable with other
application threads. If the other application threads are pthreads sharing
the same address space, then perhaps yes, but if they are separate
processes then from the perspective of the ODP instance they are
effectively separate applications and hence things like ODP handles would
have no meaning within them.
> It seems that ODP should define the scope of an ODP instance (i.e., which
threads ODP handles derived from that instance are valid) to be the thread
that calls odp_init_global() and its direct descendants.
> Second, regarding addresses derived from ODP handles (e.g., those
returned by odp_shm_addr(), odp_packet_data(), etc.) again it seems that
these can be shared between threads only under two conditions:
> The threads are within the same ODP instance
> The threads occupy a single shared address space or are forked from the
the same root thread that created the handle from which the returned
address is derived.
> Point 2 is again a function of both application design and the underlying
implementation. If the application creates all of its resources (pools,
shms, etc. during initialization prior to launching threads then these two
criteria should be satisfied).  However, if the application starts creating
threads (particularly those that are not sharing the same address space)
and then those child threads are the ones that create pools, shms, etc.,
then in general it does not seem safe to assume that addresses derived from
these handles have meaning to any other thread that is not a direct
descendent of the creating thread.
> From a portability and best practices standpoint it therefore seems that
we should encourage all global resource allocation to be performed by the
application during initialization after it has called odp_init_global() but
prior to creating other threads.
> Please comment and raise other cases that should be considered.

I think the problem is that if we do not define what the behaviour of an
odp thread is expected to be, we will have problems defining how other odp
objects such as addresses returned by odp should behave between these odp
What about making an odp thread an odp object and adding an odp system call
to retrieve the os dependant stuff under it? Something like
odp_get_thread_detail () returning os specific stuff such as pid. ..
I am afraid it will be hard to let odp central functions, such as thread,
undefined.  Why did we make shmem a odp object? Why doesn't the same logic
apply to threads?

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