Expand thread section to explain rationale for threads not being ODP
objects and how this relates to addressability considerations for shared

Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischo...@linaro.org>
 doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
index 745b85f..fbe745f 100755
--- a/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
+++ b/doc/users-guide/users-guide.adoc
@@ -288,6 +288,17 @@ _thread mask_ and _scheduler group_ that determine where 
they can run and
 the type of work that they can handle. These will be discussed in greater
 detail later.
+It is important to note that threads are not ODP objects. This is intentional.
+The ODP API is designed to abstract objects and functions that are relevant to
+data plane programming, and that may find accelerated implementation across
+diverse platforms and architectures. It is not, however, designed to abstract
+operating system objects and concepts. As a result while ODP _refers_ to
+threads, it does not _define_ threads in terms of their creation or management
+from an operating system perspective. ODP does provide _helper_ functions that
+permit Posix threads to be created and managed, however. Applications are free
+to use these helpers or to manage threads in some other manner of their
 === Event
 Events are what threads process to perform their work. Events can represent
 new work, such as the arrival of a packet that needs to be processed, or they
@@ -332,6 +343,9 @@ ODP applications if desired.
 Shared memory is represented by handles of abstract type `odp_shm_t`.
+Note that addressability of shared memory is subject to operating system
+considerations as described in <<Addressing Scope>>.
 === Buffer
 A buffer is a fixed sized block of shared storage that is used by ODP
 components and/or applications to realize their function. Buffers contain
@@ -587,10 +601,28 @@ in response to an `odp_queue_deq()` call to get an event 
from a queue simply
 indicates that the queue is empty.
 === Addressing Scope
-Unless specifically noted in the API, all ODP resources are global to the ODP
-application, whether it runs as a single process or multiple processes. ODP
-handles therefore have common meaning within an ODP application but have no
-meaning outside the scope of the application.
+ODP objects and their associated handles are intended to be global to an ODP
+instance, _i.e.,_ to the thread that calls `odp_init_global()` and its
+descendants. However, because ODP does not impose a threading model,
+responsibility for achieving this is shared with both the ODP implementation as
+well as the ODP application. In the odp-linux reference implementation, for
+example, threads are assumed to be Posix-style threads that all share a single
+address space. As a result, all ODP handles and any addresses derived from
+them, are globally sharable throughout the ODP instance. Other implementations
+may offer the same capabilities or may use a process-based threading model in
+which individual threads execute in distinct address spaces.
+If a platform uses process that follow a Unix-style `fork()` model of process
+creation, then for best portability ODP applications should be designed so
+that any ODP resource creation (_e.g.,_ pools, shared memory objects, pktios)
+are created during initialization by the thread that creates the ODP instance
+by calling `odp_init_global()` _before_ any other threads are
+created/launched. This will allow any common objects to be visible in forked
+If a platform uses some other process addressing model, then refer to that
+platform for recommendations to achieve application-desired shared
 === Resources and Names
 Many ODP resource objects, such as pools and queues, support an

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