
The odp-dpdk part of http://www.opendataplane.org/downloads/ needs updating:
- The patchworks links should be deleted, as nobody uses it, given that I'm the only maintainer and the only regular commiter. - The "latest stable release link" is also very old, and doesn't fit for odp-dpdk: I only tag the LAST commit which supports a particular ODP API/DPDK version pair. I would definitely not call that "stable". This mode of operation has problems, but since nobody is interested to figure out a better way [1], I kept it. So I want to remove this link as well - somewhere around the top left corner box, where the odp-linux and odp-dpdk links are, we should add the following text for clarification:

"odp-linux can interface with DPDK poll mode drivers, but it retains everything else as generic, including the buffer management implementation. Therefore it has to copy everything during receive and transmit between its own buffers and DPDK ones. odp-dpdk is derived from odp-linux, but it is entirely DPDK focused, and tries to connect as much DPDK API's to ODP as possible. It uses DPDK buffer management underneath, so it doesn't need the aforementioned copy"

[1] https://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/lng-odp-dpdk/2015-October/001158.html

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