I have attempted to summarise and comment on the discussion. This is partly
intended for an external audience so sorry if I seem to repeat things
already "solved". Unfortunately I couldn't attend yesterdays public call
but I read the notes.

Does ODP define the threading model? The ODP documentation does refer to
“ODP threads” and the ODP API specifies thread identifiers (small integers,
starting from 1 I think) and defines “thread masks” which define which
threads participate in certain processing (e.g. scheduler groups).

The - mostly accepted answer - is no. ODP does not define the thread model.
This is instead inherited from the execution environment (which the ODP
implementation in question is designed for). ODP will not have any thread
API’s (e.g. for setting CPU affinity for a “ODP” thread), the application
will have to use any native API but there might also be ODP helpers for
this (there are some new CPPU pinning ODP helper functions for e.g.
pthreads and Linux processes). Such helpers are not proper ODP calls
because they might not be meaningful (or available) in some execution
environment (e.g. CPU pinning would probably work very differently in a
bare metal environment where thread equals CPU, helpers wouldn't be
necessary and could only serve to confuse the ODP implementation).

There are two major flavours of the thread model: multiple threads in a
single memory space (“process” in Linux) - "single-process” - and multiple
threads in different memory spaces - “multi-process”. How can ODP resources
be shared by ODP threads in different thread models and execution

ODP handles are global and can be used by all ODP threads in the same
application (regardless of thread model). ODP shared memory regions are
also shared by all ODP threads. As ODP shared memory is really an OS
concept, the underlying OS may allow even wider sharing (e.g. sharing of
shared memory regions between different (ODP) applications).

(Virtual) addresses derived from ODP handles (e.g. address for shared
memory region, address for buffer or packet data) may not be valid for all
threads. The ODP implementation specifies whether addresses derived from
ODP objects can be shared by threads.

There is a recommendation (from ODP public call on 20160524) that "for best
portability applications should not assume that such addresses have
validity beyond thread scope". I don’t agree with this recommendation as I
think it pushes application writers towards complicated designs were
pointers to data structures (which may be allocated from e.g. ODP shared
memory regions or buffer pools, what else are shared memory regions for?)
cannot be shared directly (e.g. as a pointer in “C”), every memory
reference would have to be a composite of some ODP handle and an offset or
similar. Porting and writing applications to ODP will become very difficult.

What I think is also missing is a strong recommendation for ODP
implementations to support sharing of addresses between threads in at least
the single-process model (perhaps under Linux as an additional constraint).
How the multi-process model (if supported) works would be implementation
specific (possibly depending on the capabilities of the execution
environment). There could exist implementations that only support the
multiprocess model (e.g. because the underlying HW does not provide
coherent shared memory and symmetric multiprocessing), I don't expect such
platforms or ODP implementations to be mainstream, SMP HW has won. Such ODP
implementation can still implement the ODP API but will require
applications to understand the platform-specific limitations to e.g. thread
and memory models. Absolute portability of ODP applications to any ODP
implementation (however unusual execution environment or memory model) is
not an absolute goal and can be sacrificed (and was never guaranteed as
different ODP implementations will support different number of queues,
classification rules etc). Applications will most likely also be using
API's and facilities beyond ODP so automatic portability cannot be
guaranteed in the general case.

If ODP implementations do not support sharing memory *and* corresponding
addresses between threads, I think they (we) are making ODP application
design dangerously complicated and thus much less likely that there will
actually be useful ODP applications written. And without applications,
there won’t be any open ODP ecosystem.

Den som gapar över för mycket mister ofta hela stycket.

-- Ola
lng-odp mailing list

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