Thanks Jerin,

I have merged your comments into the doc: there were many points you
did not comments (not sure whether the yes below a group applied to
the group of statement). You can review the doc to make sure I did not
corrupt your feelings :-)

once again, Thanks


On 8 June 2016 at 14:11, Jerin Jacob <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 11:15:43AM +0200, Christophe Milard wrote:
>> since V3: Update following Bill's comments
>> since V2: Update following Barry and Bill's comments
>> since V1: Update following arch call 31 may 2016
>> This is a tentative to sum up the discussions around the thread/process
>> that have been happening these last weeks.
>> Sorry for the formalism of this mail, but it seems we need accuracy
>> here...
>> This summary is organized as follows:
>> It is a set of statements, each of them expecting a separate answer
>> from you. When no specific ODP version is specified, the statement
>> regards the"ultimate" goal (i.e what we want eventually to achieve).
>> Each statement is prefixed with:
>>   - a statement number for further reference (e.g. S1)
>>   - a status word (one of 'agreed' or 'open', or 'closed').
>> Agreed statements expect a yes/no answers: 'yes' meaning that you
>> acknowledge that this is your understanding of the agreement and will
>> not nack an implementation based on this statement. You can comment
>> after a yes, but your comment will not block any implementation based
>> on the agreed statement. A 'no' implies that the statement does not
>> reflect your understanding of the agreement, or you refuse the
>> proposal.
>> Any 'no' received on an 'agreed' statement will push it back as 'open'.
>> Open statements are fully open for further discussion.
>> S1  -agreed: an ODP thread is an OS/platform concurrent execution
>> environment object (as opposed to an ODP objects). No more specific
>> definition is given by the ODP API itself.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
> Jerin: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S2  -agreed: Each ODP implementation must tell what is allowed to be
>> used as ODP thread for that specific implementation: a linux-based
>> implementation, for instance, will have to state whether odp threads
>> can be linux pthread, linux processes, or both, or any other type of
>> concurrent execution environment. ODP implementations can put any
>> restriction they wish on what an ODP thread is allowed to be. This
>> should be documented in the ODP implementation documentation.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
> Jerin: Yes, Apart from Linux process or thread based implementation, an
> implementation may select to have bare-metal execution environment(i.e
> without any OS)
>> ---------------------------
>> S3  -agreed: in the linux generic ODP implementation a odpthread will be
>> either:
>>         * a linux process descendant (or same as) the odp instantiation
>> process.
>>         * a pthread 'member' of a linux process descendant (or same
>> as) the odp instantiation process.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S4  -agreed: For monarch, the linux generic ODP implementation only
>> supports odp thread as pthread member of the instantiation process.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S5  -agreed: whether multiple instances of ODP can be run on the same
>> machine is left as a implementation decision. The ODP implementation
>> document should state what is supported and any restriction is allowed.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
> Jerin: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S6  -agreed: The l-g odp implementation will support multiple odp
>> instances whose instantiation processes are different and not
>> ancestor/descendant of each others. Different instances of ODP will,
>> of course, be restricted in sharing common OS ressources (The total
>> amount of memory available for each ODP instances may decrease as the
>> number of instances increases, the access to network interfaces will
>> probably be granted to the first instance grabbing the interface and
>> denied to others... some other rule may apply when sharing other
>> common ODP ressources.)
>> Bill: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S7  -agreed: the l-g odp implementation will not support multiple ODP
>> instances initiated from the same linux process (calling
>> odp_init_global() multiple times).
>> As an illustration, This means that a single process P is not allowed
>> to execute the following calls (in any order)
>> instance1 = odp_init_global()
>> instance2 = odp_init_global()
>> pthread_create (and, in that thread, run odp_local_init(instance1) )
>> pthread_create (and, in that thread, run odp_local_init(instance2) )
>> Bill: Yes
>> -------------------
>> S8  -agreed: the l-g odp implementation will not support multiple ODP
>> instances initiated from related linux processes (descendant/ancestor
>> of each other), hence enabling ODP 'sub-instance'? As an illustration,
>> this means that the following is not supported:
>> instance1 = odp_init_global()
>> pthread_create (and, in that thread, run odp_local_init(instance1) )
>> if (fork()==0) {
>>     instance2 = odp_init_global()
>>     pthread_create (and, in that thread, run odp_local_init(instance2) )
>> }
>> Bill: Yes
>> --------------------
>> S9  -agreed: the odp instance passed as parameter to odp_local_init()
>> must always be one of the odp_instance returned by odp_global_init()
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S10 -agreed: For l-g, if the answer to S7 and S8 are 'yes', then due to S3,
>> the odp_instance an odp_thread can attach to is completely defined by
>> the ancestor of the thread, making the odp_instance parameter of
>> odp_init_local redundant. The odp l-g implementation guide will
>> enlighten this
>> redundancy, but will stress that even in this case the parameter to
>> odp_local_init() still have to be set correctly, as its usage is
>> internal to the implementation.
>> Barry: I think so
>> Bill: This practice also ensures that applications behave unchanged if
>> and when multi-instance support is added, so I don't think we need to
>> be apologetic about this parameter requirement.
>> ---------------------------
>> S11 -agreed: at odp_global_init() time, the application will provide 3
>> sets of cpu (i.e 3 cpu masks):
>>         -the control cpu mask
>>         -the worker cpu mask
>>         -the odp service cpu mask (i.e the set of cpu odp can take for
>> its own usage)
>> Note: The service CPU mask will be introdused post monarch
>> Bill: Yes
>> Barry: YES
>> ---------------------------
>> S12 -agreed: the odp implementation may return an error at
>> odp_init_global() call if the number of cpu in the odp service mask
>> (or their 'position') does not match the ODP implementation need.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes. However, an implementation may fail an odp_init_global() call
>> for any resource insufficiency, not just cpus.
> Jerin: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S13 -agreed: the application is fully responsible of pinning its own
>> odp threads to different cpus, and this is done directly through OS
>> system calls, or via helper functions (as opposed to ODP API calls).
>> This pinning should be made among cpus member of the worker cpu mask
>> or the control cpu mask.
>> Barry: YES, but I support the existence of helper functions to do this
>> – including the
>> important case of pinning the main thread
>> Bill: Yes. And agree an ODP helper is useful here (which is why odp-linux
>> provides one).
> Jerin: YES, Helper function makes much sense in bare metal environment.
>> ---------------------------
>> S14 -agreed: whether more than one odp thread can be pinned to the
>> same cpu is left as an implementation choice (and the answer to that
>> question can be different for the service, worker and control
>> threads). This choice should be well documented in the implementation
>> user manual.
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes
> Jerin: Yes
>> ---------------------------
>> S15 -agreed: the odp implementation is responsible of pinning its own
>> service threads among the cpu member of the odp service cpu mask.
>> Barry: YES,  in principle – BUT be aware that currently the l-g ODP
>> implementation
>> (and perhaps many others) cannot call the helper functions (unless
>> inlined),
>> so this internal pinning may not be well coordinated with the helpers.
>> Bill: Yes.  And I agree with Barry on the helper recursion issue. We should
>> fix that so there is no conflict between implementation internal pinning
>> and application pinning attempts.
> Jerin: The way other data plane models achieve this by sharing the
> service as an API. It is up to the application to decide
> on which core it needs to run.
>> ---------------------------
>> S16 -open: why does the odp implementation need to know the control and
>> worker mask? If S13 is true, shoudln't these two masks be part of the
>> helper only? (meaning that S11 is wrong)
>> Barry: Currently it probably doesn’t NEED them, but perhaps in the
>> future, with some
>> new API’s and capabilities, it might benefit from this information,
>> and so I would leave them in.
>> Bill: The implementation sees these because they are how a provisioning
>> agent (e.g., OpenDaylight) would pass higher-level configuration
>> information through the application to the underlying ODP implementation.
>> The initial masks specified on odp_init_global() are used in the
>> implementation of the odp_cpumask_default_worker(),
>> odp_cpumask_default_control(), and odp_cpumask_all_available() APIs.
> Jerin: IMO, Control thread may not be 1:1 mapped to the core.
> And certain HW architecture, HW resources are bound particular cores.
> So given that kind
> architectures, it make sense to defined control and worker thread
> by implementation.
>> ---------------------------
>> S17 -open: should masks passed as parameter to odp_init_global() have the
>> same "namespace" as those used internally within ODP?
>> Barry: YES
>> Bill: Yes. I'm not sure what it would mean for them to be in a different
>> namespace. How would those be bridged if they weren't?
>> ---------------------------
>> S18 -agreed: ODP handles are valid over the whole ODP instance, i.e.
>> any odp handle remains valid among all the odpthreads of the ODP
>> instance regardless of the odp thread type (process, thread or
>> whatever): an ODP thread A can pass an odp handle to onother ODP
>> thread B (using any kind of IPC), and B can use the handle.
>> Bill: Yes
> Jerin: Yes, But multiple process implementation it may be
> expected to get the handlers with odp lookup functions.
>> -----------------
>> S19 -open : any pointer retrieved by an ODP call (such as
>> odp_*_get_addr()) follows the rules defined by the OS, with the
>> possible exception defined in S21. For the linux generic ODP
>> implementation, this means that
>> pointers are fully shareable when using pthreads and that pointers
>> pointing to shared mem areas will be shareable as long as the fork()
>> happens after the shm_reserve().
>> Barry: NO. Disagree.  I would prefer to see a consistent ODP answer on
>> this topic, and in
>> particular I don’t even believe that most OS’s “have rules defining …”,
>> since
>> in fact one can make programs run under Linux which can share pointers
>> regardless
>> the ordering of fork() calls.  Most OS have lots of (continually
>> evolving) capabilities
>> in the category of sharing memory and so “following the rules of the OS”
>> is not
>> well defined.
>> Instead, I prefer a simpler rule.  Memory reserved using the special
>> flag is guaranteed
>> to use the same addresses across processes, and all other pointers are
>> not guaranteed
>> to be the same nor guaranteed to be different, so the ODP programmer
>> should avoid
>> any such assumptions for maximum portability.  But of course programmers
>> often
>> only consider a subset of possible targets (e.g. how many programmers
>> consider porting
>> to an 8-bit CPU or a machine with a 36-bit word length), and so they
>> may happily take advantage
>> of certain non-guaranteed assumptions.
>> Bill: As I noted earlier we have to distinguish between different types of
>> memory and where these pointers come from. If the application is using
>> malloc() or some other OS API to get memory and then using that memory's
>> address as, for example, a queue context pointer, then it is taking
>> responsibility for ensuring that these pointers are meaningful to whoever
>> sees them. ODP isn't going to do anything to help there. So this question
>> really only refers to addresses returned from ODP APIs. If we look for void
>> * returns in the ODP API we see that the only addresses ODP returns are:
>> 1) Those that enable addressability to buffers and packets
>> (odp_buffer_addr(), odp_packet_data(), odp_packet_offset(), etc.)
>> These addresses are intended to be used within the scope of the calling
>> thread and should not be assumed to have any validity outside of that
>> context because the buffer/packet is the durable object and any addresses
>> are just (potentially transient) mappings of that object for use by that
>> thread. Packet and buffer handles (not addresses) are passed between
>> threads via queues and the receiver issues its own such calls on the
>> received handles to get its own addressability to these objects. Whether or
>> not these addresses are the same is purely internal to an ODP
>> implementation and is not visible to the application.
>> 2) Packet user areas (odp_packet_user_area()).  This API returns the
>> address of a preallocated user area associated with the packet (size
>> defined by the pool that the packet was drawn from at odp_pool_create()
>> time by the max_uarea_size entry in the odp_pool_param_t). Since this is
>> metadata associated with the packet this API may be called by any thread
>> that obtains the odp_packet_t for the packet that contains that user area.
>> However, like the packet itself, the scope of this returned address is the
>> calling thread. So the address returned by odp_packet_user_area() should
>> not be cached or passed to any other thread. Each thread that needs
>> addressability to this area makes its own call and whether these returned
>> addresses are the same or different is again internal to the implementation
>> and not visible to the application. Note that just as two threads should
>> not ownership of an odp_packet_t at the same time, two threads should not
>> be trying to access the user area associated with a packet either.
>> 3) Context pointer getters (odp_queue_context(), odp_packet_user_ptr(),
>> odp_timeout_user_ptr(), odp_tm_node_context(), odp_tm_queue_context(), and
>> the user context pointer carried in the odp_crypto_params_t struct)
>> These are set by the application using corresponding setter APIs or
>> provided as values in structs, so the application either obtains these
>> pointers on its own, in which case it is responsible for ensuring that they
>> are meaningful to whoever retrieves them, or from an odp_shm_t.  So these
>> are not a special case in themselves.
>> 4) ODP shared memory (odp_shm_addr(), odp_shm_info()).  These APIs return
>> addresses to odp_shm_t objects that are specifically created to support
>> sharing. The rule here is simple: the scope of any returned shm address is
>> determined by the sharing flag specified at odp_shm_reserve() time. ODP
>> currently defines two such flags: ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY and ODP_SHM_PROC. We
>> simply need to define precisely the intended sharing scope of these two (or
>> any new flags we define) to answer this question.  Note that context
>> pointers drawn from odp_shm_t objects would then have whatever sharing
>> attributes that the shm object has, thus completely defining case (3).
> Jerin: Agree with Bill.  Apart from four different type of address
> mentioned above, may be odp handles can be also a pointer. So it makes
> sense to resolve the handler across the odp instance with odp handle
> lookup APIs.
>> ---------------------
>> S20 -open: by default, shmem addresses (returned by odp_shm_addr())
>> follow the OS rules, as defined by S19.
>> Ola: The question is which OS rules apply (an OS can have different rules for
>> different OS objects, e.g. memory regions allocated using malloc and mmap
>> will behave differently). I think the answer depends on ODP shmem objects
>> are implemented. Only the ODP implementation knows how ODP shmem objects
>> are created (e.g. use some OS system call, manipulate the page tables
>> directly). So essentially the sharability of pointers is ODP implementation
>> specific (although ODP implementations on the same OS can be expected to
>> behave the same). Conclusion: we actually don't specify anything at all
>> here, it is completely up to the ODP implementation.
>> What is required/expected by ODP applications? If we don't make
>> applications happy, ODP is unlikely to succeed.
>> I think many applications are happy with a single-process thread model
>> where all memory is shared and pointers can be shared freely.
>> I hear of some applications that require multi-process thread model, I
>> expect that those applications also want to be able to share memory and
>> pointers freely between them, at least memory that was specifically
>> allocated to be shared (so called shared memory regions, what's otherwise
>> the purpose of such memory regions?).
>> Barry: Disagree with the same comments as in S19.
>> Bill: I believe my discourse on S19 completely resolves this question. This
>> is controlled by the share flag specified at odp_shm_reserve() time. We
>> just need to specify the sharing scope implied by each of these and then it
>> is up to each implementation to see that such scope is realized.
>> ---------------------
>> S21 -open: shm will support and extra flag at shm_reserve() call time:
>> SHM_XXX. The usage of this flag will allocate shared memory guaranteed
>> to be located at the same virtual address on all odpthreads of the
>> odp_instance. Pointers to this shared memory type are therefore fully
>> sharable, even on odpthreads running on different VA space (e.g.
>> processes). The amount of memory which can be allocated using this
>> flag can be
>> limited to any value by the ODP implementation, down to zero bytes,
>> meaning that some odp implementation may not support this option at
>> all. The shm_reserve() will return an error in this case.The usage of
>> this flag by the application is therefore not recommended. The ODP
>> implementation may require a hint about the size of this area at
>> odp_init_global() call time.
>> Barry: Mostly agree, except for the comment about the special flag not
>> being recommended.
>> Ola: Agree. Some/many applications will want to share memory between
>> threads/processes and must be able to do so. Some ODP platforms may have
>> limitations to the amount of memory (if any) that can be shared and may
>> thus fail to run certain applications. Such is life. I don't see a problem
>> with that. Possibly we should remove the phrase "not recommended" and just
>> state that portability may be limited.
>> Bill: Yes. As noted in S19 and S20 the intent of the share flag is to
>> specify desired addressability scope for the returned odp_shm_t. It's
>> perfectly reasonable to define multiple such scopes that may have different
>> intended uses (and implementation costs).
>> ------------------
>> S22 -open: please put here your name suggestions for this SHM_XXX flag
>> :-).
>> Ola:
>> Bill: I previously suggested ODP_SHM_INSTANCE that specifies that the
>> sharing scope of this odp_shm_t is the entire ODP instance.
>> ------------------
>> S23 -open: The rules above define relatively well the behaviour of
>> pointer retrieved by the call to odp_shm_get_addr(). But many points
>> needs tobe defined regarding other ODP objects pointers: What is the
>> validity of a pointer to a packet, for instance? If process A creates
>> a packet pool P, then forks B and C, and B allocate a packet from P
>> and retrieves a pointer to a packet allocated from this P... Is this
>> pointer valid in A and C? In the current l-g implementation, it
>> will... Is this behaviour
>> something we wish to enforce on any odp implementation? What about
>> other objects: buffers, atomics ... Some clear rule has to be defined
>> here... How things behave and if this behaviour is a part of the ODP
>> API or just specific to different implementations...
>> Ola: Perhaps we need the option to specify the
>> I_REALLY_WANT_TO_SHARE_THIS_MEMORY flag when creating all types of ODP
>> pools?
>> An ODP implementation can always fail to create such a pool if the
>> sharability requirement can not be satisfied.
>> Allocation of locations used for atomic operations is the responsibility
>> of the application which can (and must) choose a suitable type of memory.
>> It is better that sharability is an explicit requirement from the
>> application. It should be specified as a flag parameter to the different
>> calls that create/allocate regions of memory (shmem, different types of
>> pools).
>> Barry:
>> Again refer to S19 answer.  Specifically it is about what is
>> GUARANTEED regarding
>> pointer validity, not whether the pointers in certain cases will happen
>> to be
>> the same.  So for your example, the pointer is not guaranteed to be
>> valid in A and C,
>> but the programmer might well believe that for all the ODP platforms
>> and implementations
>> they expect to run on, this is very likely to be the case, in which
>> case we can’t stop them
>> from constraining their program’s portability – no more than requiring
>> them to be able to
>> port to a ternary (3-valued “bit”) architecture.
>> ---------------------
>> Thanks for your feedback!
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