> -----Original Message-----
> From: lng-odp [mailto:lng-odp-boun...@lists.linaro.org] On Behalf Of
> Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 10:12 AM
> To: LNG ODP Mailman List <lng-odp@lists.linaro.org>
> Subject: [lng-odp] odp_rwlock_read_trylock
> HI,
> While looking into the test/code, I noticed something weird in the
> implementation of the rwlock read trylock on monarch.
> int odp_rwlock_read_trylock(odp_rwlock_t *rwlock)
> {
>     uint32_t zero = 0;
>     return odp_atomic_cas_acq_u32(&rwlock->cnt, &zero, (uint32_t)1);
> }
> This mean the trylock only succeed if no one was using the lock. But it
> will fail if someone was owning it *even* if it is a reader.
> Is this something expected? If yes, it should probably be detailed in the
> API.

 * Try to acquire read permission to a reader/writer lock.
 * @param rwlock Pointer to a reader/writer lock
 * @retval  0 Lock was not available for read access
 * @retval !0 Read access to lock acquired
int odp_rwlock_read_trylock(odp_rwlock_t *rwlock);

The spec just says that "read access" was not available. Implementation decides 
when it's available and application just needs to re-try later on. So, this 
implementation is OK by the spec. Supporting multiple readers would improve 
parallelism, but it may not be optimal for performance if the lock is free in 
the common case.

> The lock implementation I wrote allows to get the lock if a reader already
> owns it. And causes the testsuite to deadlock:
>     odp_rwlock_init(rw_lock);
>     /* CU_ASSERT(odp_rwlock_is_locked(rw_lock) == 0); */
>     odp_rwlock_read_lock(rw_lock); => Lock is owned in read
>     rc = odp_rwlock_read_trylock(rw_lock); => Locked is owned a second
> time in read (rc = 1)

You cannot do this on a single thread (lock the same lock twice). You must use 
recursive locks if the thread holding a lock will lock it again.

>     CU_ASSERT(rc == 0);
>     rc = odp_rwlock_write_trylock(rw_lock); => Expected failure
>     CU_ASSERT(rc == 0);
>     odp_rwlock_read_unlock(rw_lock); => Lock is still owned once.
> So either the API should describe more accurately what are the expected
> success/failure case, or the test and implementation changed.
> On a side note, the API explicitly says that reader have the priority on
> writers on rwlock. Is this really an API requirement?
> Our rwlocks are the other way around to avoid the starvation issue. Do I
> need to change them ? Or is it OK with the API?

Do you mean this:
 * A reader/writer lock allows multiple simultaneous readers but only one
 * writer at a time. A thread that wants write access will have to wait until
 * there are no threads that want read access. This causes a risk for
 * starvation. The trylock variants can be used to avoid blocking when
 * the lock is not immediately available.

It could be softened with "may have to wait" and "may cause a risk". Different 
RW lock implementations should be possible.


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