
I am not sure about who you are, what you are trying to do, and how
you are trying to do it. I am not even sure I understand fully your

ODP itself does not specify what concurrency model is used. Some ODP
implementations may use pthreads, some others processes, or whatever
they want.
Having said that, I feel most implementation use pthread, as you said.
The linux-generic implementation provided by linaro actually claims to
be supporting poth pthreads and processes.  Saddly the process support
is not really being pushed and is faultly (despite my effort to push
it for a while).

But as It claims to support it, you are welcome to file a bug, or even
better contribute to fix that.

Hope that helps,


On 14 February 2017 at 07:26, ice <odp_d...@163.com> wrote:
> I am trying to apply odp to our project,
> But I found odp is a multi-threaded model .
> So I began to worry about the stability of the work-thread,
> If a thread crashes, what happens to other threads?
> Why do not odp use a multi-process model?
> Who can answer my question?
> thanks

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