Please see my response inline.

-----Original Message-----
From: lng-odp [] On Behalf Of Maxim 
Sent: 01 March 2017 18:38
Subject: Re: [lng-odp] Generic handle in ODP


if you need to get pool you can use functions:

odp_pool_t odp_packet_pool(odp_packet_t pkt); odp_pool_t 
odp_buffer_pool(odp_buffer_t buf);

If you know event type and pool then you should be able do all you need.


On 03/01/17 15:47, Bill Fischofer wrote:
> ODP handles are by design abstract types that may have very different 
> internal representations between different ODP implementations. When 
> asking for a generic handle type the question is which types would you 
> expect that to encompass?
> When we originally started defining the ODP type system we avoided 
> having a generic odp_handle_t supertype specifically to avoid C's 
> issues with weak typing. We wanted ODP to be strongly typed so that, 
> for example, trying to pass an odp_queue_t to an API that expects an 
> odp_packet_t would be flagged at compile time.
Shally ≫ So you mean doing ' handle=(odp_handle_t) pkt; ' is not desirable in 
example code snippet below.
It maintains strong typing at API level, but letting app to use it
int odp_xxx_process_data(odp_handle_t handle, ....);

 odp_buffer_t buf=odp_buffer_alloc(buf_pool);
 odp_packet_t pkt=odp_packet_alloc(pkt_pool); 
odp_handle_t handle;

 //process pkt
 handle=(odp_handle_t) pkt; // is this allowed? 

 //process buffer 
 handle=(odp_handle_t)buf; // is this allowed?

> As noted in this thread odp_event_t is a generic type that is used to 
> represent entities that can be transmitted through queues and ODP 
> provides type conversion APIs to and from this container type to the 
> specific types (buffer, packet, timeout, crypto completions) that are 
> able to be carried by an event. The intent is that as different event 
> types are added they will similarly be added to this container along 
> with converter APIs. But trying to fit all types into this model seems 
> unnecessary. If you have a use case for wanting to treat some other 
> type as an event we'd be interested in hearing that.
Shally≫ Event module carry a different purpose in system. They are raised as an 
outcome of an actions initiated on different modules (and thus carry need to 
have convertor APIs). However I didn’t had same purpose and would not like to 
use or extend event for same. Mine was simple use case to initiate some common 
action on different kinds of data and avoiding code duplicity.


> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 5:56 AM, Verma, Shally 
> <>
> wrote:
>> Francois
>> It is base assumption that an ODP Interface/implementation supporting 
>> generic handle concept takes due care and record keeping to find out 
>> proper type casting and keeping pool info is one such of them.
>> Petri
>> memcpy() is just an example to explain use case.
>> packet APIs are good for interface which always and only process data 
>> of type odp_packet_t however  if anyone would want to extend same API 
>> to support plain buffer type memory as well (thus avoiding 
>> packet_copy_to/from_mem()), then generic handle concept may be helpful.
>> Though it does not come as a MUST requirement but thinking if 
>> flexibility of having generic handle in ODP helps in flexible 
>> implementation where ever it is desirable / needed (of course with due care).
>> Thanks
>> Shally
>> From: Francois Ozog []
>> Sent: 01 March 2017 16:22
>> To: Verma, Shally <>
>> Cc: Savolainen, Petri (Nokia - FI/Espoo) 
>> <petri.savolainen@nokia-bell->;
>> Subject: Re: [lng-odp] Generic handle in ODP
>> I see the point but still, I don't feel comfortable with the approach 
>> as we don't know if we have access to the pool originating the handle 
>> when you want to do the copy.
>> It is good to avoid code duplication but in that particular case, it 
>> looks opening dangerous directions. (a gut feel for the moment, not a 
>> documented statement).
>> FF
>> On 1 March 2017 at 10:38, Verma, Shally <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> HI Petri/Maxim
>> Please see my response below.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Savolainen, Petri (Nokia - FI/Espoo) [mailto:petri.savolainen@ 
>> Sent: 01 March 2017 14:38
>> To: Verma, Shally 
>> <<>>;
>> Francois Ozog 
>> <<>>
>> Cc:<>
>> Subject: RE: [lng-odp] Generic handle in ODP
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: lng-odp 
>>> [<mailto:lng-odp-
>>>] On Behalf Of
>>> Verma, Shally
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 10:38 AM
>>> To: Francois Ozog <<mailto:francois.ozog@linaro.
>> org>>
>>> Cc:<>
>>> Subject: Re: [lng-odp] Generic handle in ODP
>>> HI Francois
>>> What you said is correct and in such case API should only have 
>>> odp_packet_t as an its type signature and access memory as per 
>>> implementation policy.
>>> I am talking about use case where an API can input data both as  a 
>>> plain buffer (which is a contiguous memory) *OR* as a packet (which 
>>> is variable, scattered/non-scattered segmented memory). So when API 
>>> sees that input data  is  from buffer pool, can simply use  address 
>>> returned by odp_buf_addr as memory pointer and do direct read/write 
>>> (as its not segmented and contiguous memory) and when it sees chunk 
>>> is from packet pool , then access data according to its base hw
>> implementation.
>>> I am taking here a simple memcpy() pseudo example to explain case .
>>> Say, if I want to enable memcpy from both packet and buffer memory, 
>>> then there are 2 ways of doing it:
>>> 1.       Add two separate APIs , say memcpy_from_buffer(odp_buffer_t
>>> buf,size_t len, void *dst) and memcpy_from_packet(odp_packet_t 
>>> packet, size_t len, void *) OR
>>> 2.       Or, make one API say memcpy(odp_handle_t handle, odp_pool_t
>> pool,
>>> size_t len, void *dst)
>>> {
>>> if (pool type== odp_buffer_t ) then
>>>     addr=odp_buffer_addr((odp_buffer_t)handle);
>>> else
>>>    addr=odp_packet_data((odp_packet_t)handle);
>>>   memcpy(dst,addr,len);
>>> }
>>> Hope this could explain intended use case to an extent.
>>> Thanks
>>> Shally
>> As Maxim mentioned, odp_event_t is the single type (that is passed 
>> through queues). An event can be buffer, packet, timeout, 
>> crypto/ipsec completion, etc. Application needs to check event type 
>> and convert it to correct sub-type (e.g. packet) to access the data/metadata.
>> Application needs to be careful to handle buffers vs. packets correctly.
>> Buffers are simple, always contiguous memory blocks - whereas packets 
>> may be fragmented. The example above would break if a packet segment 
>> boundary is hit between addr[0]...addr[len-1]. There are a bunch of 
>> packet_copy functions which handle segmentation correctly.
>> if (odp_event_type(ev) == ODP_EVENT_PACKET) {
>>         pkt = odp_packet_from_event(ev);
>>         odp_packet_copy_to_mem(pkt, 0, len, dst); } else if
>> (odp_event_type(ev) == ODP_EVENT_BUFFER) {
>>         buf = odp_buffer_from_event(ev);
>>         addr = odp_buffer_addr(buf);
>>         memcpy(dst, addr, len);
>> } else {
>> }
>> Shally >> This is understood. However it is applicable for the Event 
>> based action where we can do typecasting between event/packet and buffer.
>> I am asking for scenario which user can initiate some action on data 
>> and that data can be either from buffer or packet pool (which may 
>> result into some event generation).  As you mentioned above - " 
>> Application needs to be careful to handle buffers vs. packets correctly.
>> Buffers are simple, always contiguous memory blocks - whereas packets 
>> may be fragmented. The example above would break if a packet segment 
>> boundary is hit between addr[0]...addr[len-1]. There are a bunch of 
>> packet_copy functions which handle segmentation correctly."
>> For the same reason, I am asking if we could add generic handle. So 
>> that API can understand what memory type it is dealing with.
>> I re-write my example here to explain bit more here..
>>  if (pool type== odp_buffer_t ) then
>>  {
>>      addr=odp_buffer_addr((odp_buffer_t)handle);
>>    memcpy(dst,addr,len);
>>    }
>>  else
>>  {
>>     offset=0;
>>       while(offset<len)
>>      {
>>        addr=odp_packet_offset(packet,offset,&cur_seg,&seg_len);
>>         memcpy(dst, addr, seg_len);
>>       offset+=seg_len;
>>      }
>>     }
>> Hope this help.
>> -Petri
>> --
>> [Linaro]<>
>> François-Frédéric Ozog | Director Linaro Networking Group
>> T: +33.67221.6485<tel:%2B33.67221.6485>
>><> | Skype: 
>> ffozog

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