1. Maybe we need to separate exception path from success path (allow
same path / separate path).
2. If a combination is not supported than configuration will fail....
(we can have a function to validate configured combinations, if
needed). It will be a "natural" limitation.

The real benefit is that API will be stable: adding a HW module will
mean implementing the new combinations (wo changing API for all the
other modules).

On 27 March 2017 at 15:20, Savolainen, Petri (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
<petri.savolai...@nokia-bell-labs.com> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> +       /** Classifier destination CoS for IPSEC result events
>> >>> +        *
>> >>> +        *  Result events for successfully decapsulated packets are
>> sent to
>> >>> +        *  classification through this CoS. Other result events are
>> sent to
>> >>> +        *  'dest_queue'. This field is considered only when
>> 'pipeline' is
>> >>> +        *  ODP_IPSEC_PIPELINE_CLS. The CoS must not be shared between
>> any pktio
>> >>> +        *  interface default CoS.
>> >>> +        */
>> >>> +       odp_cos_t dest_cos;
>> >>
>> >> Having multiple pieces of information needed for the same config
>> >> suggests opportunities for simplification. Perhaps a scheme along the
>> >> following lines:
>> >>
>> > enum odp_ipsec_next_t {
>> >        ODP_IPSEC_NEXT_QUEUE = 0,
>> >        ODP_IPSEC_NEXT_COS,
>> >        ODP_IPSEC_NEXT_TM,
>> > } odp_ipsec_next_t;
>> >
>> >> typedef struct odp_ipsec_next_config_t {
>> >         odp_ipsec_next_t next;
>> >         union {
>> >             odp_queue_t queue;
>> >             odp_cos_t cos;
>> >             odp_pktio_t pktio;
>> >             odp_tm_queue_t tm_q;
>> >         };
>> >>
>> >> } odp_ipsec_next_config_t;
>> Maybe this form will make it clearer:
>> union {
>>         struct {
>>             odp_ipsec_dest_in_type_t dest_type;
>>             union {
>>                 odp_queue_t queue;
>>                 odp_cos_t cos;
>>             } dest_val;
>>         } inbound;
>>         struct {
>>             odp_ipsec_dest_out_type_t dest_type;
>>             union {
>>                 odp_queue_t queue;
>>                 odp_pktio_t pktio;
>>                 odp_tm_queue_t tm_q;
>>             } dest_val;
>>         } outbound;
>>     } dest;
>> Yet, I still believe this model is limiting flexibility... maybe we
>> need a framework with a generic way to connect different HW modules.
> See my answer for Bill about handle usage.
> Actually, limiting flexibility is good for the spec. We can dictate in each 
> step which other accelerators are possible next steps of a pipeline and how 
> exceptions are handled.
> E.g. today IPSEC spec specifies
> * pktin -> IPSEC -> CLS -> queue
> maybe tomorrow CLS would allow pipeline with DPI, and we'd extend to (with 
> proper event format)
> * pktin -> IPSEC -> CLS -> queue
>                      |
>                      +---> DPI -> queue
> Even with a generic accelerator pipeline, only a few combinations would be 
> actually useful or even possible to implement (with all the exception 
> handling).
> -Petri

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