On 04/26/17 17:27, Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov wrote:
> On 26.04.2017 17:06, Codecov wrote:
>> Impacted Files
>> <https://codecov.io/gh/Linaro/odp/pull/18?src=pr&el=tree>    Coverage Δ      
>> test/common_plat/validation/api/packet/packet.c
>> <https://codecov.io/gh/Linaro/odp/pull/18?src=pr&el=tree#diff-dGVzdC9jb21tb25fcGxhdC92YWxpZGF0aW9uL2FwaS9wYWNrZXQvcGFja2V0LmM=>
>>      |92.8% <90.47%> (-0.04%)|       ⬇️
> Why do we include tests into code coverage reports?

Fixed that. In general all emails in the chain for some reason have
In-Reply-To pointing to first email. Which I did not expect :)
Fixed sending changes with:

 -m = re.search("\nSubject.*PATCH.*\n", msg)
 +m = re.search("\nSubject.*Re:.*PATCH.*\n", msg)

I.e. only replays have to go to back to github page.


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