
Comments below:

Bill Fischofer wrote:
> As discussed during today's ARCH call, we need to close on the
> remaining IPsec confusion surrounding the definition of
> odp_ipsec_sa_disable().
> The main scenario that this API is designed to address, from an
> application standpoint is as follows:
> - Application has one or more active SAs that are receiving inline RX
> IPsec traffic.
> - An active SA needs to be deactivated / destroyed for some reason
> - Application needs to be sure that "in flight" events that it is not
> yet aware of are in a defined state.
> odp_ipsec_sa_disable() allows the application to tell the ODP
> implementation that it wants to deactivate an SA so that it can be
> destroyed. In response to this the implementation is expected to:
> - Stop making internal use of this SA
> - Tell the application when the SA is quiesced as far as the
> implementation is concerned.
> As currently defined, the way this second step is communicated to the
> application is via a status event posted to the event queue associated
> with the SA.
> The main point of the discussion is that NXP HW does not have a direct
> analog to this API. As Nikhil explained it, the "quiescing" function
> is assumed to be an application responsibility such that by the time
> an application calls odp_ipsec_sa_destroy() it already knows that the
> SA is inactive.
> When an application is using IPsec in lookaside mode this is a not
> unreasonable requirement, as the application explicitly invokes every
> IPsec operation, so it knows which operations are in flight.

Yes, except that with fragmentation offload combined with IPsec
offload the application cannot easily know when it has received all
the result packets generated by single IPsec operation. If there
were always one result packet per operation, simple SA reference
counting in the application would work.

We discussed this with Petri when designing the API and considered
various options but concluded that the disable completion event
is a simple solution with low overhead when an SA is not being
disabled. And since event queues are a central concept of ODP and
of its asynchronous APIs, informing the disable completion through
an event seems natural.

Other options that do not work that well:

- Application inspects the result fragments to see when it has got
  them all. This would require almost the same work as fragment
  reassembly and it would introduce state that would have to be
  synchronized between multiple threads (since the result packets
  may get scheduled to different threads).

- ODP implementation marks the last result fragment with a special
  bit. This may perhaps be nasty for some HW implementations that
  parallelize the processing and do not know which of the fragments
  gets queued the last. If the application reference counts the
  SAs (as it most likely has to do to safely destroy the SA and
  safely delete its own state for the SA), it can unref and SA
  when it sees the marked "last" result fragment but only after
  it has processed the other fragments. This imposes synchronization
  overhead (e.g. ordered lock if the SA queue is ordered and
  scheduled) for the normal processing path when the SA is not
  being deleted.

- Variations of the above (e.g. returning the total number of result
  fragments for one IPsec operation in all the results) have
  similar problems regarding parallelization in the implementation
  and synchronization need in the application.

The disable completion event also requires synchronization (e.g.
in the form of an ordered lock but only when the SA is being deleted)

> For inline processing, however, it's less clear what the application
> can do since packets may be in process that the application has yet to
> see. If an application calls odp_ipsec_sa_destroy() the implementation
> can pick a point after which all packets matching that SA are
> ignored/dropped, but the issue is what about packets that have been
> processed and are sitting in event queues that the application is not
> yet aware of?
> If an application receives an event that was processed under a
> destroyed SA, the concern is that it not segfault or experience some
> other anomaly trying to access any application context that it had
> associated with that now-defunct SA.
> The solution proposed in PR #109[1] is that odp_ipsec_sa_disable() be
> allowed to complete synchronously rather than asynchronously, which
> means that the NXP implementation can treat it as an effective NOP
> since it doesn't map to any HW function. While this solves one
> problem, there is still the problem of how to deal with events that
> are already enqueued at the time of this call. The intent of
> odp_ipsec_sa_disable() is that after the application is assured that
> the SA is disabled it may safely call odp_ipsec_sa_destroy() with
> assurance that it doesn't have to deal with expired SA handles.

Yes, but not only that. The disable sequence is needed also for
knowing when the application can safely destroy its own state
related to the SA. So even if through some hack the implementation
side of the problem could be fixed, the problem of how to synchronize
the application side state teardown remains.

> It seems to me there are two ways we can square this circle. The first
> would be to say that in the NXP implementation odp_ipsec_sa_destroy()
> doesn't actually destroy the SA--it just marks it as destroyed. Actual
> cleanup/destruction would occur sometime later (e.g., when
> odp_term_global() is called). This would allow any pending events to
> be processed normally regardless of when the application calls
> odp_ipsec_sa_destroy().

We cannot wait until odp_term_global() since the application may
be long-living and use unlimited number of SAs during its lifetime
(even though only bounded number at a time).

But regardless of this, how would the application in this case safely
free its own SA state pointed to by the ODP SA context?

> Another approach would rely on how IPsec events themselves are
> processed. An IPsec event appears as an ODP_EVENT_PACKET with subtype
> A typical event dispatch loop for handling these events might be:
> odp_event_t ev;
> odp_event_type_t ev_t;
> odp_event_subtype_t ev_sub_t;
> odp_packet_t pkt;
> odp_ipsec_result_t ipsec_res;
> odp_sa_t sa;
> struct my_sa_context *ctx; /* This is the key application need */
> while (1) {
>          ev = odp_schedule(&queue, ODP_SCHED_WAIT);
>          ev_t = odp_event_types(ev, &ev_sub_t);
>          switch (ev_sub_t) {
>          case ODP_EVENT_PACKET_IPSEC:
>                  pkt = odp_ipsec_packet_from_event(ev);
>                  if (odp_ipsec_result(&ipsec_res, pkt) < 0) { /* Stale
> event, discard */

There is a race condition here if the idea is that calling
odp_ipsec_sa_disable() (or destroy()) marks the SA stale to prevent
further processing for that SA in the result event handling.

Maybe the odp_ipsec_result() succeeds but the SA becomes stale
right after that, before rest of the processing is done.

>                          odp_event_free(ev);
>                          continue;
>                  }
>                  if (ipsec_res->status.all != ODP_IPSEC_OK) {
>                        ...Handle IPsec failure
>                        odp_event_free(ev);
>                        continue;
>                  }
>                  ctx = odp_ipsec_sa_context(ipsec_res->sa); /* Get our
> context from result */
>                  ...process the IPsec packet
>         case /* Other cases go here */
>          ...etc.
>          }
> }
> It would seem that a synchronous odp_ipsec_sa_disable() call would not
> be a problem if the NXP implementation can guarantee that after
> odp_ipsec_sa_destroy() is called, odp_ipsec_result() is guaranteed to
> return RC < 0 when called for a packet that references a destroyed SA.
> Alternately, an odp_ipsec_result_t could be returned with a status
> field that explicitly states that the SA has been destroyed, in which
> case it's a simple matter for the application to handle that case as
> well without ambiguity.

This is racy and does not solve the issue of how the application
knows when it can free the SA.

With the current API, in inline mode (but async is similar), IPsec
event handling can be written like this (assuming ordered SA queue):

While (1) {
        ev = schedule()
        switch (ev type)
          case ODP_EVENT_PACKET_IPSEC:          
                  pkt = odp_ipsec_packet_from_event(ev);
                  odp_ipsec_result(&ipsec_res, pkt);
                  ctx = odp_ipsec_sa_context(ipsec_res->sa);

                  ...process the IPsec packet
                odp_ipsec_status(&status, ev)
                if (status.id == ODP_IPSEC_STATUS_SA_DISABLE)
                        ctx = odp_ipsec_sa_context(status->sa);
                         * Now other threads are done with this SA
                         * since disable event is the last one

Async case would be similar with the addition that in the IPsec
operation enqueue side application needs some synchronization to
ensure it does not call odp_ipsec_sa_disable() before it has
stopped using that SA in IPsec enqueuing.

I am afraid any change in the API regarding disable would make the
application more complicated and would impose more synchronization
overhead in the normal processing path. But I am willing to change
my mind if it becomes clear how the application state can still be
safely deleted.

Maybe NXP ODP implementation would do internal tricks to emulate the
API? Maybe the options for that could be investigated more instead of
trying to map the API to the underlying HW too directly?


> Based on what Nikhil said this morning about how NXP hardware works,
> this approach should be possible. If so this would seem to address
> both NXP's and Nokia's concerns about this PR.
> Please feel free to make corrections if I've misstated anything here
> or if there are other potential solutions that should be explored
> here.
> Thanks.
> ---
> [1] https://github.com/Linaro/odp/pull/109

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