JannePeltonen replied on github web page:

line 294
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+== IPsec services
+In addition to general cryptographic services, ODP offers offload support for
+the IPsec protocol. IPsec is a general term referencing a suite of protocols
+and packet formats and as such a full discussion of IPsec is beyond the scope
+of this document. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4301[RFC 4301] and
+related RFCs for more detail. This section assumes the reader is already
+familiar with IPsec and focuses on explaining the ODP APIs that support it.
+ODP provides APIs for the following IPsec services:
+* General IPsec configuration
+* Security Association (SA) configuration and lifecycle management
+* Synchronous and Asynchronous IPsec lookaside processing
+* Inline processing for full IPsec RX and/or TX offload
+* Pipelining for RX traffic
+* Fragmentation support for TX traffic
+* IPsec event management
+=== IPsec Capabilities and Configuration
+As with other features, ODP provides APIs that permit applications to query
+platform-specific IPsec capabilities. The `odp_ipsec_capability()` API queries
+the general IPsec features available while the `odp_ipsec_cipher_capability()`
+and `odp_ipsec_auth_capability()` APIs provide detail on the range of
+cipher and authentication algorithms supported by IPsec on this platform.
+General IPsec capabilities that are reported include:
+* The IPsec operation modes supported by this implementation. Different
+operation modes may be _not supported_, _supported_, or _preferred_. A
+preferred form means that this mode takes advantage of hardware
+acceleration features to achieve best performance.
+* Whether IPsec AH processing is supported. All ODP platforms must provide
+support for IPsec ESP processing, however since AH is relatively rare, it
+may not be supported, or supported only via software emulation (_e.g.,_ be
+* Whether IPsec headers should be retained on decrypt for inbound inline
+* Whether classification pipelining is supported (to be discussed below).
+In addition, capabilities also inform the application of the maximum number
+of destination queues and classification CoS targets supported. These
+will be discussed further later.
+==== IPsec Operation Modes
+IPsec operates in one of three modes: Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Inline.
+==== Lookaside Processing
+Synchronous and Asynchronous are types of _lookaside_ processing. In lookaside
+mode, the application receives (or creates) an IPsec packet and then uses ODP
+to perform one of two functions:
+* To decrypt an IPsec packet into a "normal" packet
+* To take a "normal" packet and encrypt it into an IPsec packet.
+This process may be performed _synchronously_ with the APIs `odp_ipsec_in()`
+(to decrypt) and `odp_ipsec_out()` (to encrypt). Upon return from these calls
+the requested packet transformation is complete, or an error return code
+indicates that it could not be performed (_e.g.,_ packet decryption failed).
+Synchronous processing may be preferred if the application has a large number
+of worker threads so that blocking any individual worker while IPsec processing
+is performed represents a reasonable design. The alternative is to use
+_asynchronous_ forms of these APIs:
+* `odp_ipsec_in_enq()` for decrypt
+* `odp_ipsec_out_enq()` for encrypt
+These simply pass packets to IPsec for processing. When this processing is
+complete, the resulting packets are sent to the completion queue associated
+with the SA used by the operation, serving as IPsec completion events as
+shown here:
+If the operation fails because SA lookup failed for inbound processing, then
+these result packets are sent to the default queue specified as part of the
+`odp_ipsec_inbound_config_t` used in the `odp_ipsec_config()` call.
+Following an asynchronous IPsec call, the worker thread moves on to process
+other events until the IPsec completion shows up. At that point the worker
+thread sees whether the operation was successful or not and continues
+processing for that packet. These events may be direct-polled with
+`odp_queue_deq()` if the completion queue was created as a plain queue, or
+processed via the ODP scheduler if the completion queue was created as a
+scheduled queue.
+==== Inline Processing
+While lookaside processing offers flexibility, it still requires extra
+processing steps not required by modern hardware. To avoid this overhead
+ODP also offers _inline_ processing support for IPsec. In this mode the
+processing of IPsec packets on the RX and TX paths is fully offloaded as
+shown here:
+It is worth noting that, depending on the implementation and application
+needs, inline processing may be enabled only for one direction (inbound or
+outbound) or for both directions.
+On the receive side, once configured for inline processing, arriving IPsec
+packets that are recognized at the PktIO interface are decrypted automatically
+before the application ever sees them. On the transmit side, the application
+calls `odp_ipsec_out_inline()` and the packet is encrypted and queued for
+transmission as a single operation without further application involvement.
+Note that if an inbound IPsec packet is not recognized (_e.g.,_ it belongs to
+an unknown SA) then it will be presented to the application as-is without
+further processing. The application may then use a lookaside call to process
+the packet if it is able to supply a matching SA by other means.
+On the receive side, after an IPsec packet is decrypted, it may be
+_pipelined_ to the ODP classifier or added to a poll queue, as the
+application wishes. The advantage of classification pipelining is that inbound
+IPsec traffic is automatically decrypted and classified into appropriate
+flow-based queues for ease of processing.
+On the transmit side, since IPsec encryption and tunneling may exceed an
+output MTU, ODP also offers support for MTU configuration and automatic IPsec
+TX fragmentation.
+Both classification pipelining and TX fragmentation support are support
+features that are indicated by `odp_ipsec_capability()`.
+Note that at present inline IPsec output support sends resulting packets
+directly to an output PktIO. If it's desired to send them to the ODP
+Traffic Manager for shaping prior to transmission, use the lookaside APIs
+to perform the IPsec encrypt and then call `odp_tm_enq()` on the resulting
+=== IPsec Configuration
+Prior to making use of IPsec services, the `odp_ipsec_config()` API is used to
+configure IPsec processing options. This API takes a pointer to an
+`odp_ipsec_config_t` struct as its argument. SAs in ODP are represented by the
+abstract type `odp_ipsec_sa_t`.
+The `odp_ipsec_config_t` struct specifies the inbound and outbound
+processing modes that the application plans to use, the maximum number of
+Security Associations it will use, and sets inbound and outbound
+processing options.
+==== IPsec Inbound Configuration
+Inbound configuration options for IPsec specify the default `odp_queue_t` to
+be used for processing global events like SA lookup failures, how Security
+Parameter Index (SPI) lookup is to be performed, and whether the application
+requires ODP to retain outer headers for decrypted IPsec packets.
+Parsing options specify how "deep" decrypted packets are to be parsed
+after IPsec processing by specifying the packet layers of interest to the
+application (None, L2, L3, L4, or All). And which checksums should be verified
+on decrypted packets.
+==== IPsec Outbound Configuration
+Outbound configuration options for IPsec specify checksum insertion processing
+that should be performed prior to encryption.
+=== IPsec Events
+IPsec introduces one new event type and one new event subtype. These are:
+* IPsec packet events. These are events of type `ODP_EVENT_PACKET` that have
+subtype `ODP_EVENT_PACKET_IPSEC`. These are packets that carry additional
+IPsec-related metadata in the form of an `odp_ipsec_packet_result_t` struct
+that can be retrieved from the packet via the `odp_ipsec_result()` API.
+* IPsec status notifications. These are events of type `ODP_EVENT_IPSEC_STATUS`
+that indicate status events not associated with any particular IPsec
+packet. Such events carry status in the form of an `odp_ipsec_status_t`
+struct that is retrieved from the event via the `odp_ipsec_status()` API.
+IPsec-related events are thus part of normal and exception processing when
+working with IPsec.
+=== Security Associations (SAs)
+The fundamental "building block" for IPsec processing is the _Security
+Association (SA)_. Similar to a crypto session, the SA encapsulates the keying
+material and context needed to perform IPsec protocol processing for inbound
+or outbound packets on a given flow, as well as additional processing options
+that control how IPsec is to be used for packets processed under this
+SA. Security Associations are unidirectional (RX or TX) so a flow that
+requires both inbound (decrypt) and outbound (encrypt) IPsec functions will
+have two SAs associated with it.
+After ODP initialization, IPsec support is dormant until it is configured
+by a call to `odp_ipsec_config()` as described earlier. Once configured,
+SAs may be created by calling `odp_ipsec_sa_create()`.
+==== SA Creation and Configuration
+The `odp_ipsec_sa_create()` API takes an `odp_ipsec_sa_param_t` argument that
+describes the SA to be created. Use the `odp_ipsec_sa_param_init()` API to
+initialize this to its default state and then override selected fields within
+the param struct as needed.
+Items specified in the `odp_ipsec_sa_param_t` struct include:
+* The direction of the SA (inbound or outbound).
+* The IPsec protocol being used (ESP or AH).
+* The IPsec protocol mode (Transport or Tunnel).
+* The parameters needed for the crypto and authentication algorithms to be
+used by this SA.
+* Miscellaneous SA options that control behavior such as use of Extended
+Sequence Numbers (ESNs), the use of UDP encapsulation, various copy
+options for header fields, and whether the TTL (Hop Limit) field should be
+decremented when operating in tunnel mode.
+* Parameters controlling the SA lifetime.
+* The Security Parameter Index (SPI) that packets will use to indicate that
+they belong to this SA.
+* The pipeline mode used by this SA.
+* The destination `odp_queue_t` to be used for status events associated with
+this SA.
+* The user context pointer (and length) associated with this SA for
+application use.
+In addition, there are specific direction-specific parameters that vary
+based on whether the SA is for inbound or outbound use. For inbound SAs:
+* Controls for how this SA is to be looked up.
+* The size of the anti-replay window to be used.
+* The default CoS to use when classification pipelining packets matching this
+For outbound SAs:
+* Tunnel parameters to use when doing outbound processing in tunnel mode.
+* The fragmentation mode to be used.
+* The MTU to be used to control the maximum length IP packets that outbound
+IPsec operations may produce. This can be changed dynamically by the
+`odp_ipsec_sa_mtu_update()` API.
+As can be seen, SAs have a large degree of configurability.
+==== SA Lifecycle Management
+In discussing the lifecycle of an SA, it is useful to refer to the following
+state diagram:
+After creation, IPsec services are active for this security association. How
+this is done depends on the IPsec operating mode being used
+===== IPsec Lookaside Processing
+If the SA is operating in lookaside mode (the `odp_ipsec_mode_t` is
+outbound lookaside operations may be performed.
+The synchronous forms of these APIs are:
+* `odp_ipsec_in()`
+* `odp_ipsec_out()`
+Upon return from these calls, the return code tells the application whether
+the application was successful and if not the reason is contained in the
+`odp_ipsec_result_t` struct that is attached to the failing packet. This
+struct is retrieved via the `odp_ipsec_result()` API.
+The asynchronous forms of these APIs are:
+* `odp_ipsec_in_enq()`
+* `odp_ipsec_out_enq()`
+Here, a return code of 0 simply indicates that the requested IPsec operation
+was successfully initiated.
+For both synchronous and asynchronous IPsec operations an input packet array
+is transformed into an output packet array as specified by a controlling
+parameter struct. For inbound operations, the `odp_ipsec_in_param_t` is
+used to specify how SA processing is to be performed for the requested
+operation. The caller may say that SA lookup processing should be performed
+for each input packet, a single (specified) SA should be used for all packets,
+or that each packet has a specified individual SA.
+For outbound lookaside operations, a corresponding `odp_ipsec_out_param_t`
+serves a similar role, but here the SA must be specified since the input
+packet(s) are non-IPsec packets. Again the option is to use a single SA for
+all input packets or one per input packet.
+For outbound operations, an associated array of `odp_ipsec_out_opt_t` structs
+is also used to control the fragmentation mode to be used as part of the
+outbound processing. Options here are to not fragment, to fragment before
+IPsec processing, after IPsec processing, or to only check whether IP
+fragmentation is needed but not to perform it. The `mtu` status error bit
+in the `odp_ipsec_packet_result_t` is set if check processing detects that
+the resulting packet will not fit into the configured MTU. Note that the MTU

Is it clear enough here that the mtu error bit is set only when MTU checking 
was requested and not in case fragmentation offload was requested?

> JannePeltonen wrote
> Same comment as for odp_ipsec_{in,out}(), the description of the return code 
> is not correct.

>> JannePeltonen wrote
>> The return code does not tell whether the application of the SA was 
>> successful but how many input packets were consumed by the operation. The 
>> per-packet operation status is retrieved via the odp_ipsec_result() api for 
>> the outputted packets, which will be available only when the function 
>> succeeds.

>>> JannePeltonen wrote
>>> The operating mode is a global setting, not per-SA setting as the text 
>>> implies. And the relevant type is odp_ipsec_op_mode_t, not odp_ipsec_mode_t 
>>> which is for selecting between tunnel and transport mode.

>>>> JannePeltonen wrote
>>>> "How this is done" sounds a bit awkward as it is not clear what "this" 
>>>> refers to (the way the IPsec services are used). Maybe the sentence should 
>>>> be reworded.

>>>>> JannePeltonen wrote
>>>>> Would "minimum size" be better than "size" here?

>>>>>> JannePeltonen wrote
>>>>>> The queue is not only for status events but for ipsec packet events too. 
>>>>>> Maybe just remove the word "status"?

>>>>>>> JannePeltonen wrote
>>>>>>> This should be: "...can be retained..." instead of "...should be 
>>>>>>> retained..." as this is a capability and application chooses whether it 
>>>>>>> wants to retain the headers if the ODP is capable.

>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'd like to see us all make it a priority to close on #197 next week. 
>>>>>>>> I'll post a doc update once we're all agreed on the precise semantics 
>>>>>>>> and operation flow. So I'm fine with holding off merging this PR until 
>>>>>>>> then.

>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Any update here? @NikhilA-Linaro, @bala-manoharan  can you please 
>>>>>>>>> comment wrt your implementations?

>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Well, we do not have #197 merged, so it is too early to depend on 
>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>> Also, frankly speaking, this `sa_disabled` warning inside 
>>>>>>>>>> `odp_ipsec_result_t` is a backup plan. It is expected that most of 
>>>>>>>>>> the implementations will report this as a proper `ODP_IPSEC_STATUS` 
>>>>>>>>>> event, carrying this warning bit inside.

>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> OK, changed in v6.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> s/default //

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, corrected in v5.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In lookaside mode soft limit expiration is reported as `warn` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part of `ipsec_op_status` packet metadata.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, in v4 I've added a new terminal state `SA_Expired` to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FSM and have updated the doc to say "expired" rather than 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "disabled". From the expired state the only valid operation is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `odp_ipsec_sa_destroy()`.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yep. It is just not a 'disabled' state, because we have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate definition for 'disabled SA'.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IIRC, one can call it only once in NXP case. @NikhilA-Linaro, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could you please comment?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So how is this indicated in lookaside mode? The whole point 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of ODP providing the limit support is so the application 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't have to track byte/packet counts itself, so it's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expected that soft limit overruns will happen as part of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lookaside processing as well.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you let yourself run out of gas, the car can stop at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inconvenient times, which is why one pays attention to that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> low fuel warning light. A hard limit is a hard limit. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's what makes it hard. Any other definition seems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confusingly fuzzy and unnecessary.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought the restriction is that you can call this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeatedly as long as an SA hasn't yet been created. I can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change this (and the state diagram) if that's not the case.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bill Fischofer(Bill-Fischofer-Linaro) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's part of the `enum`. In this case L2 would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effectively be None.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only in OUT INLINE mode, if I remember the outcome of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussions correctly.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ahem. It does not enter disabled state per se:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It is an undefined behaviour (iow, an application 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error) to submit packets to disabled SA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It is a perfectly valid to submit packets to SA after 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard limit overrun (e.g. because other packets might be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already queued at this moment).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is worth mentioning that depending on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation and application needs, inline 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing might be enabled either in both directions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or in just one direction.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBD: mention that it MUST be called at most once per 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IPsec application.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L2 does not make sense here, does it?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... parsed after IPsec processing ...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBD: describe that some IPsec packets still might 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be reported via plain PktIO interface (e.g. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because of SA lookup failure). They can be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resubmitted to IPsec in lookaside mode.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If SA was not determined (because SA lookup 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed for inbound packet), event will be sent to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the default queue.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... resulting packet is sent back serving as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IPsec completion event ...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov(lumag) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... in inbound inline operations.

updated_at 2017-11-01 16:48:05

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