Thanks Maxim.


On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 16:54, Maxim Uvarov <> wrote:

> v1.20.0.0 has been released and api-next branch is rebased on top of it.
> == OpenDataPlane (
> === Summary of Changes
> ODP v1.20.0.0 is a refresh of ODP, incorporating significant
> configurability
> and performance improvements as well as new APIs and API restructures.
> ==== APIs
> ===== Symbol `ODP_SHM_NULL` Removed.
> An invalid `odp_shm_t` has the value `ODP_SHM_INVALID`, consistent with
> other
> ODP types. The legacy synonym `ODP_SHM_NULL` is now removed for
> consistency.
> ===== New 3GPP Crypto Algorithm Support
> New support for 3GPP crypto algorithms is added by defining symbols for
> In addition new authentication algorithm symbols are defined for
> These values are returned as ODP capabilities as well as being accepted in
> crypto session creation for implementations that indicate support for them.
> ===== Crypto Capability for Bitwise Operation
> The new `bit_mode` capability Boolean is added to the
> `odp_crypto_cipher_capability_t` struct to indicate that an implementation
> supports operating in bit mode. When operating in bit
> mode, field offsets and lengths are expressed in terms of bits rather than
> bytes. However, such lengths must always be specified in multiples of 8.
> ===== Improved Crypto Spec Documentation
> The ODP crypto API specification is tightened to specify default values for
> cipher and authentication algorithms. Also documented when key and IV
> parameters need to be set.
> ===== IPsec Extensions
> IPsec requires "salt" (extra keying material) when the GMAC authentication
> algorithm is used. To accommodate this the `auth_key_extra` field is added
> to
> the `odp_ipsec_crypto_param_t` struct and documentation is added clarifying
> when this field is needed and how it should be used.
> ===== Classifier Type Rename
> The `odp_pmr_t` type name for an invalid value is renamed from
> to `ODP_PMR_INVALID` for consistency with the rest of ODP type names. The
> old
> symbol is still available when ODP is configured with
> `--enable-deprecated`.
> ===== New API for Packet Event Subtypes
> The `odp_packet_subtype()` API is added that returns the subtype of a
> packet
> event directly.
> ===== Streamlined Packet Parsing Results
> The `odp_packet_parse_result()` API is added that returns the result of
> packet parsing as a single `odp_packet_parse_result_t` struct. This can
> offer efficiency improvements for applications that need all parse results
> rather than making individual parse result calls.
> ===== PktIO Extensions to Support per-Queue Configuration
> PktIO interfaces support multiple input queues to enable increased
> parallelism
> in I/O processing. Previously, all of these input queues were required to
> belong to the same scheduler group. The `odp_pktin_queue_param_t` struct is
> now extended with an optional `odp_pktin_queue_param_ovr_t` struct that
> permits individual pktin queues to be assigned to separate scheduler
> groups.
> This may permit improved performance for advanced application use cases.
> ===== Timer Pool Capabilities
> The `odp_timer_capability_t` struct is extended to return three additional
> pieces of information:
> `max_pools_combined`::
> The total number of timer pools that can be created combining different
> clock sources
> `max_pools`::
> The maximum number of timer pools for a given clock source.
> `max_timers`::
> The maximum number of timers in a single pool. A zero value means number is
> limited only by available memory.
> ===== Add Scheduler mix/max/default Priority Functions
> Three new APIs: `odp_schedule_max_prio()`, `odp_schedule_min_prio()`, and
> `odp_schedule_default_prio()` are added that return the min, max, and
> default
> values specified for the `prio` field in the `odp_schedule_param_t` struct.
> With the introduction of these scheduling priority functions the previously
> `ODP_SCHED_PRIO_LOWEST`) are now deprecated and should no longer be used.
> ===== Specification of `odp_schedule_prio_t` as an `int`
> Previously, the `odp_schedule_prio_t` type definition was left to each
> implementation. With the addition of explicit schedule priority ranges,
> this
> type is now specified to be an `int` to permit efficient implementation
> (including inlining) of these functions.
> ====== New Scheduler APIs
> The new scheduler APIs `odp_schedule_multi_wait()` and
> `odp_schedule_multi_no_wait()` are added to provide more efficiently
> implementable versions of these functions. The existing scheduler APIs
> remain
> unchanged. These new APIs can simply provide a fastpath for some
> applications/implementations as an alternative to specifying a parameter on
> `odp_schedule_multi()`.
> ===== Memory Model in `odp_init_global()`
> The `odp_init_t` parameter passed to `odp_init_global()` is extended to
> add the `mem_model` field. This field is defined by the new
> `odp_mem_model_t`
> struct and is used to specify whether the application will be using a
> thread (`ODP_MEM_MODEL_THREAD`) or process (`ODP_MEM_MODEL_PROCESS`)
> memory model. The default is a thread model is used for compatibility with
> previous levels of ODP.
> ==== ABI Changes
> A number of changes to the ODP ABI have also been made in this release to
> improve application binary portability.
> ===== Strong Typing for Timer Pools
> The `odp_timer_pool_t` is now strongly typed.
> ===== Consistent Initialization
> The values of the various `ODP_xxx_INVALID` symbols for ODP abstract types
> in
> the `odp-linux` reference implementation are now consistently zeros. This
> reduces errors and improves portability.
> === Implementation Improvements
> ==== Configuration File
> A new configuration file mechanism is introduced that makes use of
>[libconfig] to
> enable various runtime ODP parameters to be specified dynamically.
> Default configuration values for the `odp-linux` reference implementation
> are
> contained in the `config/odp-linux-generic.conf` file. Users may override
> these default values by supplying their own configuration file. At
> `odp_init_global()` time, if the `ODP_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable is
> set,
> this is used to locate the path to the override configuration file.
> ==== Process Mode Support
> The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports applications that run
> in
> process mode (`mem_model` = `ODP_MEM_MODEL_PROCESS`) as well as the default
> thread mode. This support only applies within a single ODP instance, so any
> `fork()` calls must be done only _after_ `odp_init_global()` has been
> called
> to initialize ODP on a root process.
> ==== Removal of `iQuery` Scheduler
> The `iQuery` scheduler is removed from the `odp-linux` reference
> implementation, as it offers no performance advantages and has not seen
> application use.
> ==== Number of CPUs
> The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports up to 256 CPUs by
> default (increased from 128).
> ==== Support for Large Burst Sizes
> The `odp-linux` reference implementation now supports large burst sizes for
> both I/O and non-I/O scheduled events. Large bursts (when available) are
> received directly to the application without any stashing for improved
> throughput. Burst sizes are configurable via the new configuration file
> mechanism, as described above.
> ==== `--without-openssl` Warnings
> When building `odp-linux` using `--without-openssl` a warning will be
> issued
> cautioning that strong cryptography will not be available.
> ==== Inline Queue Enq/Deq APIs
> The various enq/deq APIs are now subject to inlining when `odp-linux` is
> built with `--disable-abi-compat`.
> ==== Configurable Timer Controls
> Inline timers are now controlled via a config file option. Timer polling
> frequency is similarly controlled via the config file.
> ==== Huge Page Configuration
> The config file is now used to specify the huge page usage limit.
> ==== Single and Multi-Consumer/Producer Rings
> The queue implementation in `odp-linux` now automatically makes use of
> optimized single and multi-consumer/producer rings to significantly speed
> up enq/deq processing.
> ==== `odp_shm_print_all()` Improvements
> The output from `odp_shm_print_all()` is reworked to provide more useful
> and comprehensive shared memory usage information in `odp-linux`.
> ==== IPsec Improvements
> SA lifetime checking is now more scalable to multiple threads. This
> significantly reduces overhead for multithreaded IPsec applications.
> ==== Native Builds
> When running in non-ABI compatibility mode, `odp-linux` now enables
> native machine-specific optimizations for the CPU architecture of the
> local machine.
> === Validation Test Improvements
> ==== SCTP Test Packets
> SCTP test packets are now used in parser testing. SCTP headers are added to
> ODP and ODP helpers and SCTP checksums are now inserted and verified as
> part
> of validation testing.
> ==== `odp_packet_reset()` Test
> The packet validation test suite now properly tests `odp_packet_reset()`.
> === Helper Changes
> In support of process mode, ODP helper functions have been changed to
> better match these new capabilities
> ==== New `enum`
> The `odph_linux_thread_type_t enum` has been replaced with the new
> `odp_mem_model_t` type.
> ==== Helper Options
> The new `odph_options()` getter function is added that returns
> applicable options in effect via the new `odph_helper_options_t` struct.
> This currently includes the memory model (thread or process) that is in
> use.
> ==== SCTP Helpers
> The new helper APIs `odph_sctp_chksum_set()` and
> `odph_sctp_chksum_verify()`
> are added to facilitate working with SCTP packet checksums.
> === Performance Test Improvements
> ==== Pool Performance
> A new `odp_pool_perf` test has been added that stress-tests ODP pool
> functions in a multithreaded environment to generate performance
> statistics.
> ==== Scheduler Performance
> A new `odp_sched_perf` test has been added that stress-tests the scheduler
> in a multithreaded environment.
> ==== CPU Performance
> A new `odp_cpu_bench` performance test has been added that runs
> compute-intensive packet operations in a multithreaded environment and
> prints
> the observed maximum throughput for each thread.
> === Example Improvements
> ==== Classifier Example changes
> The `odp_classifier` example program now uses a reduced number of threads
> by
> default to reduce elapsed run time. `ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX` is also now used
> as
> the max worker count.
> ==== Generator Improvements
> The `odp_generator` example has numerous cleanups and performance
> improvements.
> ==== IPsec Example
> The `odp_ipsec` example now properly stops and closes pktio devices on
> exit.
> ==== Packet Dumping
> A new `odp_packet_dump` example is added that prints received packets to
> the
> terminal. This is useful for debugging packet I/O interfaces.
> ==== Sysinfo Example
> A new `odp_sysinfo` example is provided that prints system information.
> Useful
> for checking the ODP environment during debugging. This includes providing
> detailed information about the various crypto facilities supported, as well
> as the feature flags used at build time (_e.g.,_ if the binary was built
> with
> ARMv8.0 or ARMv8.1 instructions).
> ==== Traffic Manager Example
> The traffic manager example now properly destroys all TM queues it creates
> for improved reliability. It also now always prints a proper termination
> summary message.
> === Bug Fixes
> ==== Numbered Bugs/Issues
> =====[Bug 3983]
> Compile fails on OpenSuSE 42.2 Leap with error: negative width in bit field
> '__error_if_negative'
> =====[Bug 3989]
> odp_system_info_init() issues
> =====[Bug 3999]
> IPsec antireplay check drops packets when sequence number jumps.
> =====[Bug 4002]
> IPsec SA creation must fail for ESN-enabled SAs
> =====[Bug 4013]
> Per-SA IPv4 ID allocation may cause duplicate IDs.
> =====[Bug 4017]
> Unexpected IP ID causes IPsec API validation to fail
> =====[Issue 662]
> rte_mempool_ops_alloc() is not dpdk api
> ==== Unnumbered Bugs/Issues
> * Fixed enq/deq issues encountered on architectures with weak memory
> ordering.
> * Return 0 from `odp_sys_huge_page_size_all()` if hugepages are not
> supported/detected. Tests modified to not treat this as an error.
> * Set `ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE` to 128 on ppc64le systems.
> * iplookuptable fix putting values into table
> * DPDK pktio support now works properly across multiple ODP instances.
> * Zero timer pool memory on reserve (fixes timer failures due to
> uninitialized
> variables).
> * `-march=native` disabled for `clang`. This fixes a known issue with
> recent
> levels of clang.
> === Known Issues
> ====[Bug 3998]
> IPsec extended sequence number support is missing
> ====[Bug 4014]
> Separate IP ID allocation for transport and tunnel mode SAs may cause
> duplicate IDs
> ====[Bug 4018]
> Unexpected IV causes IPsec API validation to fail
> ====[Bug 4040]
> Clang build fails on Ubuntu 18.04
> Best regards,
> Maxim.

[image: Linaro] <>
François-Frédéric Ozog | *Director Linaro Edge & Fog Computing Group*
T: +33.67221.6485 | Skype: ffozog

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