On 1/16/13 9:05 AM, Richard Welty wrote:

it may be that the agreement doesn't need to talk about what the chapters
and OSMF do for each other, but it would be nice to see some discussion
about what such things might be, whether they're incorporated into the
agreement or not.
having brought it up, i'll now throw a few things out there:

1) permission to organize SOTM <locale> conferences in their <locale>, with
support from OSMF as needed/desired

2) permission to run servers that provide various OSM related functions
for their <locale>, again with support from OSMF as needed/desired

3) permission to support mapping in adjacent locales that don't have their
own chapters yet (e.g., US support for Canadian mappers until the Canadians
decide they want to form their own chapter.)

any other stuff come to mind?


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