Hi all,

To those of you who were already members of the LC mailing list: we had a Local 
Chapters meeting at State of the Map in Aizu-Wakamatsu, where some 35 mappers 
from 19 countries came together to share experiences and talk about how we can 
work together more closely in the future. We made a list of email addresses and 
I took the liberty of subscribing all of them to this list :)

I have really enjoyed meeting so many of you!

Dorothea has created a summary of our meeting and I encourage you to read it. 
Find it at https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Local_Chapters/Congress_201708

I think we all share a strong desire to grow our local communities and organize 
ourselves. Some of us are farther along than others, and there is a lot we can 
learn from each other. That is why I wanted all of us to be part of this list, 
as a communications channel for learning and sharing for local organizers.

I know we all just met in person a few weeks ago, but I think it would be nice 
if we could all introduce ourselves and perhaps share in a few lines what your 
local OSM organization or group looks like, and what challenges you are facing.

Please forward this email to anyone you can think of who should be part of 
this, too.

Thanks and I hope to hear from you all soon!

OSM Foundation
Local-chapters mailing list

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