
During the community building birds of the feather session at the State of
the Map, we gathered a group focused on working towards a bigger community.

In the first place, they expressed a need for having a group/channel with
which to exchange ideas, experiences and issues that the broader community
could help with.

Second place, a need to push for a global agenda based on those
experiences. There are some issues that all of us deal with, which are
often clearly OSMF related. Our job would be to collect these issues,
prioritize them, and support OSMF in realizing them (for example by doing
the boring stuff ourselves, or by reaching out to other working groups).

Third, documenting stuff so more of the experiences are readily available
for the others who are starting or facing similar issues.

That same morning, the Local Chapters decided to repurpose the
local-chapters mailing list for somewhat similar purposes. They decided
that would be a good place to start, as well as that non-local chapters
would be welcome too. Maybe we can we do this together.

>From the input we gathered in the afternoon:

The group working on this could have the following as  mission:
> Collecting and exchanging local community building experience to create
and implement a global agenda for OSM and OSMF community growth

The strategy:
> Attract more people to do the thinking and the working by letting them
talk and work how they want to

In the community session, our primary focus was doing something that would
continue after the session. Given the welcoming attitude of the local
chapters, we recommended people register for

Since not everyone is comfortable using mailing lists and there is a need
for "quick questions" as well as "thorough discussion", we decided to also
set up a chat channel. I have set this up using Matrix and connected it to
Telegram, Riot and IRC:

    IRC: "#osmcommunity on OFTC", URL ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/osmcommunity

Second practical thing is that we need a documenting/planning/outreach
tool. The experience of the group present (as well as previous experience
by the State of the Map working group) pointed towards using Github for
that. @sabas already started doing that, but there was a lot of resistance:
In the end, @hbogner created an instance for us at
https://github.com/osmfoundation/lcwg . For now, it has a clearly Local
Chapters focus, but if you agree, it could be a common thing too.

Ideally, the Local Chapters and the community builders can just stick
together. But that would require that the Local Chapters can get behind the
mission and strategy mentioned before; that they agree to let the expanded
membership organise things how they see fit.

I hope the Local Chapters members can see us doing these things together.
If the Local Chapters Working Group wants a more specific focus and stick
to a mailing list only, then we can just part ways, no hard feelings.

Personally, I don't like the fragmentation of channels either. But I see no
alternative, because the medium is the message. You need to choose your
channels in function of what you want to achieve. The disadvantage of
fracturing can be adressed by better reporting: e.g. do a
weekly/bi-weekly/monthly recap (based on the frequencies of discussions) of
the main discussions on the chat channel and put it on the mailing list or
some other archive.

I hope the input from this group can help us reach a quick conclusion!
Basically the choice is between an expanded Local Chapters group and having
a minimalist Local Chapters group and a new Community group.

P.S. I tried to send this message yesterday, but it was stopped by the
mailing list because I also put all the contacts from the community BoF in
the conversation.

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
Local-chapters mailing list

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