On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Eugene Zatepyakin
<zatepya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> there are several ways to solve ABA problem. Most commonly used are Hazard
> Pointers and Versioned/Tagged pointers.
> Hazards are quite tricky implement especially targeting multiple platforms
> desktop/mobiles.
> So i was thinking about trying Tagged pointers approach.
> Here i see 2 ways: use hack with tagged pointer: single 64bit atomic or use
> full versioned pointer 2x64Bit values.
> I wonder what are the concerns when implementing hack-ish version:
> struct head_t final {
>     node_t *node;
>     // 64 bit pointer uses 48 bit addressing
>         // the unused 16 bits are going to hold an identification number
> #if X64_PLATFORM
> using stack_id = uint16_t;
> inline head_t() noexcept : node{ nullptr }       { }
> inline head_t(node_t* n) noexcept : node{ n }    { }
> inline void create_id(const head_t& nid)         { ((stack_id*)this)[3] =
> ((const stack_id*)&nid)[3] + 1; }
> inline node_t* next_pointer()                    { return
> (node_t*)((uint64_t)node & 0x0000ffffffffffff); }
> // 32 bit pointers are "full", so I use another 32bit piece of data for the
> counter
> // on 32bit x86, we can swap the entire 64 bits without a lock
> #else
> using stack_id = uint32_t;
> stack_id t_;
> inline head_t() noexcept : node{ nullptr }, t_{ 0 }  { }
> inline head_t(node_t* n) noexcept : node{ n }, t_{ 0 } { }
> inline void create_id(const head_t& nid)             { t_ = nid.t_ + 1; }
> inline node_t* next_pointer()                        { return node; }
> #endif
> inline void set(node_t* n, const head_t& nid)        { node = n; if (node)
> create_id(nid); else create_id(*this); }
> };
> is it safe to assume this will alway work? or its not official and better go
> with full DCAS version:
> struct head_t final {
>     uintptr_t aba_conter;
>     node_t *node;
> };
>  but this will most likely be problematic to implement on mobile
> platforms....

Hi Eugene,

In my practice 16-bit ABA counters work reasonably well.
AFAICT, Microsoft lock-free stack uses only 9-bit counters:
(at least in early days of 64-bit platforms, and that was the reason
to restrict address space to 44 bits)

There are several tricks to make counters more reliable:
- 48-th bit is user/kernel marker, so you can use it as well
- usually low 3 or 4 bits are zeros (or you can specifically make them
zero), so you can use them as well
- also you can use per-node counters, rather than single per-head counter

As for mobile platforms, it is dependent on characteristics of a
particular platform. Some mobile platforms has double-word CAS.
Generally you end up with platform-specific code for such components.
For example, see what we do in Go runtime in lfstack* files:
It does work on a variety of platforms, including mobile.


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