On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 4:18 AM, Alex Khripin <akhri...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> First -- relacy is great, thank you for providing this tool and all the
> other stuff on 1024cores.
> Second -- I ran into a hiccup. This might be something I don't properly
> understand in the C++11 spec, but, relacy does not seem to support
> compare_exchange_strong(foo, bar, rl::mo_release, rl::mo_acquire)
> When RL_VERIFY is enabled, this triggers an error:
> RELACY INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: 'collecting_history()' at
> ../../relacy/context_base_impl.hpp:60 (exec_log)
> Reading the code, it looks like if the normal memory model is release, then
> the only failure model supported is relaxed.
> atomic.hpp line 338 in the big compare_exchange switch statement
> I know the specification prohibits the failure memory order from being
> stronger than the success order -- I am not 100% sure, but I think the above
> ordering (success = release, failure = acquire) does satisfy that
> requirement.
> This is mostly academic -- I can set the success order to acq_rel -- but it
> did take me some time to figure out what was going on. I am curious now if I
> am completely off base, or if this is a missing combination.

+relacy mailing list

Hi Alex,

The stronger requirement is somewhat vague as there are unordered memory orders.
But I always read it as relacy implements it -- failure order must be
equal or weaker. Do you have any indication that release/acquire is an
allowed combination?


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  • [lock-free] Re: Re... Dmitry Vyukov

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