On Friday, April 13, 2018 at 11:45:51 PM UTC-7, Dmitry Vyukov wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:38 AM, Chris M. Thomasson <cri...@charter.net 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > On Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 1:46:20 AM UTC-7, Dmitry Vyukov wrote: 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 10:03 PM, Chris M. Thomasson <cri...@charter.net> 
> >> wrote: 
> >> > On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 5:44:38 AM UTC-7, Dmitry Vyukov wrote: 
> >> >> 
> >> >> On Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Chris M. Thomasson 
> >> >> <cri...@charter.net> wrote: 
> >> >> > Notice how there is an acquire barrier inside of the CAS loop 
> within 
> >> >> > the 
> >> >> > enqueue and dequeue functions of: 
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > 
> http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/bounded-mpmc-queue 
> >> [...] 
> >> > Executing an acquire barrier on every iteration of the CAS loop is 
> not 
> >> > necessary. The actual version count keeps everything in order. 
> >> > 
> >> > However, you do need a single acquire fence _after_ the CAS loop 
> >> > succeeds in 
> >> > order to get a clear view of the element. 
> >> 
> >> This is true. 
> > 
> > 
> > Agreed. I personally like the ability to see the membars being separated 
> out 
> > and 
> > 
> > standing alone. It is a habit of mine from SPARC. Now, tagged standalone 
> > membars 
> > 
> > aside for a moment, perhaps ones that can include memory locations they 
> are 
> > 
> > interested in... ;^) 
> > 
> > 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I don't like standalone fences because they are plague for 
> >> verification. Consider, a single release fences turns _all_ subsequent 
> >> relaxed atomic stores ever executed by the thread into release 
> >> operations (they release memory state up to the fence point) and 
> >> handling of acquire/release operations is an O(N) operation (and 
> >> generally done under a mutex). 
> > 
> > 
> > A release operation should make sure all _prior_ operations are visible 
> > _before_ 
> > 
> > they are visible to another thread. They have no effect on subsequent 
> > relaxed 
> > 
> > operations. For instance: 
> > 
> > 
> > // producer 
> > 
> > A = 1 
> > 
> > B = 2 
> > 
> > 
> > C = 3 
> > 
> > D = 4 
> > 
> > 
> > // consumer 
> > 
> > while (D != 4) backoff; 
> > 
> > 
> > assert(A == 1 && B == 2); 
> > 
> > 
> > Well, A and B are going be in sync with an acquire such that the assert 
> will 
> > never 
> > fail, however C can be hoisted up and not be in sync at all! C is 
> incoherent 
> > wrt the 
> > consumer because it was not covered by the standalone release barrier. 
> In this case the RELEASE turned store to D into a release-store (a 
> subsequent store). 
> And ACQUIRE turned load of D into an acquire-load (a preceding load). 

D should be a pure relaxed store, and C should not be covered by the 
RELEASE. Iirc, it works this way on SPARC RMO mode. However, on x86, C will 
be covered because each store has implied release characteristics, wb 
memory aside for a moment.


> At lease this is how this is defined in C/C++ standards. 
> ACQUIRE/RELEASE fences do not establish any happens-before relations 
> themselves. You still need a load in one thread to observe a value 
> stored in another thread. And only that "materializes" standalone 
> fence synchronization. So a store that materializes RELEASE fence will 
> always be a subsequent store. 

Humm... That is too strict, and has to be there whether we use standalone 
fences or not. The store to D = 4 makes A and B wrt the RELEASE visible to 
the consumer threads that look for D = 4 and execute the ACQUIRE barrier 
after that fact has been observed. Afaict, C should NOT be covered.


> >> The same for acquire fences: a single 
> >> acquire fences turns _all_ loads ever executed by the thread into 
> >> acquire operations ton he corresponding memory locations, which means 
> >> that you need to handle all relaxed loads as a "shadow" acquire loads 
> >> for the case they will be materialized by a subsequent acquire fence. 

That sounds to coarse.


> > 
> > 
> > An acquire operation should make sure all operations wrt the release are 
> > visible 
> > 
> > _before_ any subsequent operations can be performed _after_ that fact is 
> > 
> > accomplished. 
> > 
> > 
> > Well, fwiw, the membars that can be embedded into the CAS wrt acquire 
> and 
> > 
> > release do effect prior and subsequent activity anyway, standalone or 
> not. A 
> > release will 
> > 
> > dump prior stores such that an acquire barrier will see them all. Now, 
> when 
> > we 
> > 
> > are dealing with a consume barrier, well that is targeting the release 
> > dependency 
> > 
> > chain wrt the pointer. A consume barrier is more precisely targeted when 
> > compared 
> > 
> > to the wider spectrum of an acquire. Btw, iirc consume is emulated in 
> Relacy 
> > as 
> > 
> > acquire right? 
> > 
> > 
> > Also, think of popping all nodes at once from an atomic LIFO: 
> > 
> > 
> > https://groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.lang.c++/V0s__czQwa0/discussion 
> > 
> > 
> > Well, how can we accomplish the following without using standalone 
> fences?: 
> > 
> > 
> >       // try to flush all of our nodes 
> >       node* flush() 
> >       { 
> >           node* n = m_head.exchange(nullptr, mb_relaxed); 
> > 
> >           if (n) 
> >           { 
> >               mb_fence(mb_acquire); 
> >           } 
> > 
> >           return n; 
> >       } 
> I can't disagree. They are definitely more flexible. 


> >> The same is actually true for human reasoning. Say, I am reading your 
> >> code. We have 3 load operations in the loop and an acquire fences 
> >> after the loop. Now the question is: which of the loads we wanted to 
> >> turn into acquire by adding the fence? Or is it maybe 2 of them? 
> >> Which? Or maybe 1 in the loop and 1 somewhere before the loop, in a 
> >> different function? 
> >> One can, of course, comment that, but Relacy won't check comments, so 
> >> I won't trust them ;) 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Interesting. Still makes me think of tagged membars. I will get back to 
> you 
> > with 
> > 
> > a more detailed response. 
> You mean something like: 
>        // try to flush all of our nodes 
>        node* flush() 
>        { 
>            node* n = m_head.exchange(nullptr, mb_relaxed); 
>            if (n) 
>            { 
>                mb_fence(mb_acquire, m_head);  // <---- HERE 
>            } 
>            return n; 
>        } 
> ? Interesting. 

Yes! The stand alone fence can say, we want to perform an acquire barrier 
wrt m_head. Something like that should be able to create more fine grain 
setups. Perhaps even something like the following pseudo-code:
// setup
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
signal = false;

// producer
a = 1;
b = 2;
RELEASE(&signal, &a, &b);
c = 3;
STORE_RELAXED(&signal, true);

// consumers
while (LOAD_RELAXED(&signal) != true) backoff;
ACQUIRE(&signal, &a, &b);
assert(a == 1 && b == 2);

The consumers would always see a and b as 1 and 2, however, c was not 
covered, so it is an incoherent state wrt said consumers.

The acquire would only target a and b, as would the release.

Hummm... Just thinking out loud here. :^)


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