On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 7:51 AM Chris M. Thomasson <cris...@charter.net> wrote:
> Fwiw, I wrote a crude new benchmark that measures how many reads and writes 
> can be performed in a given amount of time. My algorithm vs 
> std::shared_mutex. So, we are _primarily_ looking for how many reads can be 
> performed in this test at 60 seconds. The number of threads is variable and 
> is determined by std::hardware_concurrency * THREADS, set at 8 in the test. 
> So on my system the setup is:
> ___________________________________
> cpu_threads_n = 4
> threads_n = 32
> writers = 16
> readers = 16
> test duration = 60 seconds
> ___________________________________
> This is going to be different for each system. Readers iterate a shared 
> linked list with 1000000 nodes in this test. Writers pop and push items, and 
> never use new or delete. Well, so far, the timings I am getting on my end 
> using MSVC 2017 is:
> Testing: Chris M. Thomasson's Experimental Read/Write Mutex
> ___________________________________
> cpu_threads_n = 4
> threads_n = 32
> writers = 16
> readers = 16
> test duration = 60 seconds
> ___________________________________
> ___________________________________
> Raw Reads: 18046464
> Raw Writes: 347498
> reads_per_tick = 300693
> writes_per_tick = 5790
> Ticks = 60.0161
> ___________________________________
> Testing: std::shared_mutex
> ___________________________________
> cpu_threads_n = 4
> threads_n = 32
> writers = 16
> readers = 16
> test duration = 60 seconds
> ___________________________________
> ___________________________________
> Raw Reads: 650006
> Raw Writes: 168741
> reads_per_tick = 10829
> writes_per_tick = 2811
> Ticks = 60.0193
> ___________________________________
> As you can see, my algorithm is performing many more reads than 
> std::shared_mutex. Anyway, here is my code:
> When you get some time, can you please give it a go? I want to see timings on 
> other systems, the good, bad and ugly. ;^) Thanks.
> https://pastebin.com/raw/1QtPCGhV
> ___________________________________
> /* Crude Read/Write Mutex Benchmark
>    This tests my algorithm ct_rwmutex vs. std::shared_mutex.
>    It shows how many reads and writes can be performed within
>    a fixed amount of time.
>    by: Chris M. Thomasson
> __________________________________________*/
> #include <thread>
> #include <atomic>
> #include <shared_mutex>
> #include <condition_variable>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <functional>
> #include <chrono>
> #include <cassert>
> #include <cstdlib>
> #include <ctime>
> #include <climits>
> #include <cstdint>
> #include <vector>
> // undefine to test std::shared_mutex
> #define CT_TEST_FAST_MUTEX 1
> #define THREADS 8 // multiplied by std::hardware_concurrency
> #define NODE_PRIME 1000000 // number of nodes
> #define CRUDE_CACHE_PAD 256 // crude cache pad
> #define TEST_DURATION_SEC 60 // number of seconds for the test
> // bare bones mutex/condvar based semaphore
> struct ct_slow_semaphore
> {
>     unsigned long m_state;
>     std::mutex m_mutex;
>     std::condition_variable m_cond;
>     ct_slow_semaphore(unsigned long state) : m_state(state) {}
>     void inc()
>     {
>         m_mutex.lock();
>         ++m_state;
>         m_mutex.unlock();
>         m_cond.notify_one();
>     }
>     void add(unsigned long addend)
>     {
>         {
>             std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
>             m_state += addend;
>         }
>         m_cond.notify_all();
>     }
>     void dec()
>     {
>         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
>         while (m_state == 0) m_cond.wait(lock);
>         --m_state;
>     }
> };
> // bin-sema
> struct ct_auto_reset_event
> {
>     bool m_state;
>     std::mutex m_mutex;
>     std::condition_variable m_cond;
>     ct_auto_reset_event() : m_state(false) {}
>     void signal()
>     {
>         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
>         m_state = true;
>         m_cond.notify_one();
>     }
>     void wait()
>     {
>         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
>         while (m_state == false) m_cond.wait(lock);
>         m_state = false; // auto-reset
>     }
> };
> // just a layer over an auto-reset event
> struct ct_fast_mutex
> {
>     std::atomic<unsigned int> m_state;
>     ct_auto_reset_event m_waitset;
>     ct_fast_mutex() : m_state(0) {}
>     void lock()
>     {
>         if (m_state.exchange(1, std::memory_order_acquire))
>         {
>             while (m_state.exchange(2, std::memory_order_acquire))
>             {
>                 m_waitset.wait();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     void unlock()
>     {
>         if (m_state.exchange(0, std::memory_order_release) == 2)
>         {
>             m_waitset.signal();
>         }
>     }
> };
> // Chris M. Thomassons Experimental Read/Write Mutex
> // Yeah, it is pretty damn fat wrt the state, however
> // it has some interesting properties...
> // The state can be compressed a bit...
> // btw, it has no loops...
> // Take a look at the lock_shared and unlock_shared functions
> // The number of readers _must_ never exceed LONG_MAX!
> struct ct_rwmutex
> {
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_0[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     // shared state
>     std::atomic<long> m_count;
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_1[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     std::atomic<long> m_rdwake;
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_2[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     ct_slow_semaphore m_rdwset;
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_3[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     ct_slow_semaphore m_wrwset;
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_4[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     ct_fast_mutex m_wrlock;
>     unsigned char m_crude_cache_pad_5[CRUDE_CACHE_PAD];
>     ct_rwmutex() :
>         m_count(RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX),
>         m_rdwake(0),
>         m_rdwset(0),
>         m_wrwset(0) {
>     }
>     // READ, pretty slim...
>     void lock_shared()
>     {
>         if (m_count.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acquire) < 1)
>         {
>             // We need to wait for a writer.
>             m_rdwset.dec();
>         }
>     }
>     void unlock_shared()
>     {
>         if (m_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release) < 0)
>         {
>             // There is a writer
>             if (m_rdwake.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == 1)
>             {
>                 // We need to wake the writer up
>                 m_wrwset.inc();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     // WRITE, more hefty
>     void lock()
>     {
>         // Acquire exclusive access
>         m_wrlock.lock();
>         // we are the only thread in here now.
>         // Gain write access wrt m_count
>         long count = m_count.fetch_add(-RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX, 
> std::memory_order_acquire);
>         // count can never be negative.
>         if (count < RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX)
>         {
>             // We detected readers.
>             long rdwake = m_rdwake.fetch_add(RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX - count, 
> std::memory_order_acquire);
>             if (rdwake + RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX - count)
>             {
>                 // Okay, we need to wait for all of the readers
>                 // The number of readers is actually
>                 // RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX - count
>                 m_wrwset.dec();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     // write unlock
>     void unlock()
>     {
>         // Release write access wrt m_count
>         long count = m_count.fetch_add(RWMUTEX_COUNT_MAX, 
> std::memory_order_release);
>         if (count < 0)
>         {
>             // We need to wake -count readers.
>             m_rdwset.add(-count);
>         }
>         // Release exclusive access
>         m_wrlock.unlock();
>     }
> };
> struct ct_simple_stack
> {
>     struct node
>     {
>         node* m_next;
>         unsigned int m_tid;
>         node(unsigned int tid) : m_tid(tid) {}
>     };
>     node* m_head;
>     ct_simple_stack() : m_head(nullptr) {}
>     ~ct_simple_stack()
>     {
>         ct_simple_stack::node* n = flush();
>         while (n)
>         {
>             ct_simple_stack::node* next = n->m_next;
>             delete n;
>             n = next;
>         }
>     }
>     void push(node* n)
>     {
>         n->m_next = m_head;
>         m_head = n;
>     }
>     node* pop()
>     {
>         node* n = m_head;
>         if (n)
>         {
>             m_head = n->m_next;
>         }
>         return n;
>     }
>     node* flush()
>     {
>         node* n = m_head;
>         m_head = nullptr;
>         return n;
>     }
> };
> struct ct_shared
> {
>     std::atomic<bool> m_run;
>     // protected by m_std_rwmutex
>     std::uint64_t m_reads;
>     std::uint64_t m_writes;
>     ct_simple_stack m_stack;
>     ct_simple_stack m_stack_dtor;
> #if defined (CT_TEST_FAST_MUTEX)
>     ct_rwmutex m_std_rwmutex;
> #else
>     std::shared_mutex m_std_rwmutex;
> #endif
>     ct_shared() : m_run(true), m_reads(0), m_writes(0)
>     {
>         // prime m_stack
>         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NODE_PRIME; ++i)
>         {
>             m_stack.push(new ct_simple_stack::node(i));
>         }
>     }
> };
> void ct_thread_reader(ct_shared& shared, std::size_t tidx)
> {
>     std::uint64_t reads = 0;
>     while (shared.m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
>     {
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.lock_shared();
>         ct_simple_stack::node* n = shared.m_stack.m_head;
>         while (n)
>         {
>             ct_simple_stack::node* next = n->m_next;
>             n = next;
>         }
>         std::this_thread::yield();
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.unlock_shared();
>         ++reads;
>     }
>     shared.m_std_rwmutex.lock();
>     shared.m_reads += reads;
>     shared.m_std_rwmutex.unlock();
> }
> void ct_thread_writer(ct_shared& shared, std::size_t tidx)
> {
>     std::uint64_t writes = 0;
>     while (shared.m_run.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
>     {
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.lock();
>         ct_simple_stack::node* n = shared.m_stack.pop();
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.unlock();
>         std::this_thread::yield();
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.lock();
>         if (n)
>         {
>             shared.m_stack.push(n);
>         }
>         shared.m_std_rwmutex.unlock();
>         std::this_thread::yield();
>         ++writes;
>     }
>     shared.m_std_rwmutex.lock();
>     shared.m_writes += writes;
>     shared.m_std_rwmutex.unlock();
> }
> int main()
> {
>     ct_shared shared;
>     std::cout << "Testing: ";
> #if defined (CT_TEST_FAST_MUTEX)
>     std::cout << "Chris M. Thomasson's Experimental Read/Write Mutex\n\n";
> #else
>     std::cout << "std::shared_mutex\n\n";
> #endif
>     std::cout.flush();
>     {
>         // Setup our threads
>         std::size_t cpu_threads_n = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
>         std::size_t threads_n = cpu_threads_n * THREADS;
>         std::vector<std::thread> threads(threads_n);
>         std::size_t writers = threads_n / 2;
>         std::size_t readers = threads_n - writers;
>         std::cout << "___________________________________\n";
>         std::cout << "cpu_threads_n = " << cpu_threads_n << "\n";
>         std::cout << "threads_n = " << threads_n << "\n";
>         std::cout << "writers = " << writers << "\n";
>         std::cout << "readers = " << readers << "\n";
>         std::cout << "test duration = " << TEST_DURATION_SEC << " seconds\n";
>         std::cout << "___________________________________\n\n\n";
>         auto time_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
>         // Create threads
>         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < threads_n; ++i)
>         {
>             if (i < writers)
>             {
>                 threads[i] = std::thread(ct_thread_writer, std::ref(shared), 
> i);
>             }
>             else
>             {
>                 threads[i] = std::thread(ct_thread_reader, std::ref(shared), 
> i);
>             }
>         }
>         // Give the test some time to run...
>         std::chrono::seconds time_duration(TEST_DURATION_SEC);
>         std::this_thread::sleep_for(time_duration);
>         shared.m_run.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed);
>         // Join threads
>         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < threads_n; ++i)
>         {
>             threads[i].join();
>         }
>         // Grab our timing.
>         auto time_stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
>         std::chrono::duration<double> time_diff = time_stop - time_start;
>         std::uint64_t raw_reads = shared.m_reads;
>         std::uint64_t raw_writes = shared.m_writes;
>         std::cout << "___________________________________\n";
>         std::cout << "Raw Reads: " << raw_reads << "\n";
>         std::cout << "Raw Writes: " << raw_writes << "\n";
>         std::uint64_t reads_per_tick = raw_reads / time_diff.count();
>         std::uint64_t writes_per_tick = raw_writes / time_diff.count();
>         std::cout << "reads_per_tick = " << reads_per_tick << "\n";
>         std::cout << "writes_per_tick = " << writes_per_tick << "\n";
>         std::cout << "Ticks = " << time_diff.count() << "\n";
>         std::cout << "___________________________________\n\n";
>     }
>     std::cout << "\n\nFin!\n";
>     return 0;
> }
> ___________________________________

Benchmarked this on 2 systems (3 alternating runs for each mutex):

1. i7-8650U

Testing Version 0.1: Chris M. Thomasson's Experimental Read/Write Mutex
cpu_threads_n = 8
threads_n = 64
writers = 32
readers = 32
test duration = 60 seconds
Raw Reads: 100855
Raw Writes: 2158
reads_per_tick = 1680
writes_per_tick = 35
Ticks = 60.019
Raw Reads: 108197
Raw Writes: 2126
reads_per_tick = 1802
writes_per_tick = 35
Ticks = 60.0109
Raw Reads: 118111
Raw Writes: 2397
reads_per_tick = 1967
writes_per_tick = 39
Ticks = 60.0193

Testing Version 0.1: std::shared_mutex
cpu_threads_n = 8
threads_n = 64
writers = 32
readers = 32
test duration = 60 seconds
Raw Reads: 97667
Raw Writes: 766
reads_per_tick = 1627
writes_per_tick = 12
Ticks = 60.0066
Raw Reads: 96409
Raw Writes: 1162
reads_per_tick = 1606
writes_per_tick = 19
Ticks = 60.0094
Raw Reads: 95314
Raw Writes: 792
reads_per_tick = 1588
writes_per_tick = 13
Ticks = 60.0055

2. 2 x Xeon 6154

Testing Version 0.1: Chris M. Thomasson's Experimental Read/Write Mutex
cpu_threads_n = 72
threads_n = 576
writers = 288
readers = 288
test duration = 60 seconds
Raw Reads: 181439
Raw Writes: 3116
reads_per_tick = 3014
writes_per_tick = 51
Ticks = 60.1803
Raw Reads: 179390
Raw Writes: 3343
reads_per_tick = 2980
writes_per_tick = 55
Ticks = 60.1921
Raw Reads: 179058
Raw Writes: 3262
reads_per_tick = 2975
writes_per_tick = 54
Ticks = 60.1714

Testing Version 0.1: std::shared_mutex
cpu_threads_n = 72
threads_n = 576
writers = 288
readers = 288
test duration = 60 seconds
Raw Reads: 1061634
Raw Writes: 1385
reads_per_tick = 17657
writes_per_tick = 23
Ticks = 60.1246
Raw Reads: 1056793
Raw Writes: 1368
reads_per_tick = 17601
writes_per_tick = 22
Ticks = 60.0405
Raw Reads: 1068157
Raw Writes: 1312
reads_per_tick = 17770
writes_per_tick = 21
Ticks = 60.1086

Now it is your problem to interpret this :)

Another interesting data point is time output.
On the large system for your mutex:
848.76user 10.83system 1:00.26elapsed 1426%CPU

for std mutex:
4238.27user 26.79system 1:00.18elapsed 7086%CPU

So whatever your mutex did, it used 5 times less CPU time for that.


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