On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Martin Owens <docto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear LoCo Council,
> Monthly reports would be much better automatically generated by a
> combination of the event organiser on the loco directory and a simple
> blog system that did not have to be manually tied into the greater blog
> network of planets.

Nope. There is a reason they're done manually. If you can't spend ten
minutes writing about what you've done, it's kinda an issue. If a team
wants to auto-aggregate stuff and then use that to base their reports
on, that's fine, but we can not automate reports. Then it just becomes
mush. I don't want to read mush. If we don't read it then there is no
reason to use it.

> We fail at making things easy and instead insist upon the manual and
> monotonous. A re-instance of monthly reports do not make them more
> appealing, they make running a LoCo a chore rather than good fun.

Yes, because unlike other ways, we can actually read our reports.
Automated mail sucks.

> I would rather have the LoCo council focusing on how to recruit and
> organise developers effectively to put these problems to rest instead of
> focusing solely on social solutions.

Book-keeping is just as important.

> Regards, Martin Owens
> On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 13:15 +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
>> Aloha, going through the approvals and re approvals it's evident some
>> teams do use monthly reports to let their team and others know what they
>> are up to, but a lot don't. Monthly reports
>> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting/HowTo> are a
>> really good habit to get into for all of us!  But for LoCo Teams it's
>> especially good.  It will help you keep track of your events and
>> possibly if you aren't doing much highlight this to you as you'll see
>> events decreasing which isn't a good sign of an active team.
>> What is a good idea is to appoint one person to do up the team report
>> each month. Mail the team saying the report has been created and let
>> people add any other snippets of information they may not have heard
>> about.  This is a great way to stimulate conversation but also means
>> it's not just down to one person to add content.
>> Try and do your report a week before it's due to allow for any issues,
>> such as people going away or not having it done on time. Or allow for
>> people to blog/upload photos of a past event so it can be included in
>> the report.
>> Don't forget to write up a summary of past events, link to these on the
>> report, link to photos.  We appreciate not everyone is on planet Ubuntu,
>> using the reports this way is a great way to learn more about the events
>> that are happening.
>> Leading by example, as we know we can't ask folks to do monthly reports
>> without doing them ourselves, here is the July report from the LoCo
>> Council <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams/LoCoCouncil/TeamReports/10/July>
>> Laura
>> --
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski
>> http://www.lczajkowski.com
>> Skype: lauraczajkowski
> --
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