On 01/02/2014 03:09 AM, Bob Jonkman wrote:

As a Point of Contact for Ubuntu Ohio team, I wanted to say that we have
also thought about using video for our Ubuntu Hours since we *very*
scattered in our LoCo.  I would like to thank you for this message
because you gave us (and the other LoCo's, if they want to do this also)
a few more options for clients and tools for video for Ubuntu Hours.
This was brought up in our last meeting [1].

Today I brought this to our team's IRC channel and James Gifford
(jrgifford) also suggested webrtc, but the problem with this is that
this one is only supported on the new browsers- as in the nightly
versions of Chrome and Firefox.  But he said that he could roll a webtrc
service that can support ∞ people.

I wouldn't use that option or the Jitsi option since users get to choose
what accounts that they use for video chatting.  But it could allow
users to not choose to use the Hangouts plug-in. The Big Blue Button is
indeed, as you said, for classrooms and would be better of for Ubuntu
Classroom team.

Does anyone know of other FOSS software for this that could just require
one account and one client?

Svetlana Belkin

A.K.A: belkinsa
Member of: LoCo Contacts, Ubuntu Doc Team, Ubuntu Ohio, Ubuntu Women
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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