Hello everybody,

a bit short notice, but whoever's interested in joining us for a meeting to discuss how we can add functionality which allows to share pictures, news and other bits via the LoCo team portal (loco.ubuntu.com), is invited to do so

  when: today, 15:00 UTC [1]
  where: #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net

At UOS we discussed the idea and felt that it would be great for LoCo teams to share what they've been up to (and are proud of). If this can then easily be shared on Planet Ubuntu, the world, in turn, would learn about this (and get inspired) much more easily and quickly.

The purpose of the meeting is going to be to see what's feasible, what's easy to do and how we'd envision it to work

See you later,

[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140620T1500

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