I had noticed the potential for the problem and logged it as http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/LOGCXX-11. Thanks for confirming that is actually a problem. My suspicion is that gmtime or gmtime_r is not adequate since log4cxx may need to format times to a time-zone other than the current time zone. However, it might be an optimization if the timezone for the layout and the current timezone are the same. I guess the first thing is to at least reset the value of TZ to the initial value after collecting time zone offsets.

On Sep 1, 2004, at 11:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have some code which started behaving strange after going to log4cxx for logging... I've isolated it down to the fact that log4cxx obliterates the TZ settings in timezone.cpp and dailyrollingfileappender.cpp

        Instead of changing to GMT to calculate the diff, why not use gmtime() or gmtime_r()?
                - I've done this in our code that had to calculate this difference for a LogFile class that dates back almost 8 years...
                - This way there is not "side-effect"...
        *IF* I change the code to work that way, any chance of having it included in the 'official' package?

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