
We use it on:

These are for real-time, production systems which we've guaranteed 99.999% uptime... (though I guess a single module crashing wouldn't affect the up-time).

Renny Koshy
President & CEO

RUBIX Information Technologies, Inc.


09/03/2004 02:54 PM
Please respond to "Log4CXX User"

        To:        log4cxx-user@logging.apache.org
        Subject:        use of log4cxx on multiple platforms...

I am new to this log4cxx user group. I have few questions regarding usage of log4cxx on multiple platforms. We have a product that runs on different platforms. We need some logging mechanism so that we can use on different platforms. Our product runs on Windows, MVS, Sun Solaris, AIX and Linux. I read about log4cxx and was very excited and thought we could use that in our project. I have read some of the mails in the mailing list archives and have few questions before I start using this product.
1. I see that the standard release of this product is not yet released. So is it ok to use it in my project?
2. I see that there are some issues running on solaris and AIX. So I am not sure whether to go for this product or use our own logging mechanism.
3. We have implemented multi tasking in our project. (multile processes and NOT multiple threads). So if I use this logging product, will I be able to consolidate my messages from different processes?
4. When will this product be tested on solaris and AIX?
5. When is the standard release of this product expected?
Please give your suggestions on this.
Thank you very very much,
-Mike B.

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