Anand Sherkhane <anandis <at>> writes:

> Hi,I do not know if log4cxx supports this out-of-the-box but for your 
application to do it should be a simple task, I guess.Upon exit OR start, the 
application checks if their exists a log file and renames it(with current 
timestamp, say), if it is.
> Regards,Anand.

Hi Anand,

thanks for your reply. But I think it should be a normal function for a 
logging library to create logfiles for each start of an application. The 
renaming was only an example. Of course it would also be okay using the 
rollOver Function of log4cxx.

But logging seems either size or time related.

Hm, if there's no alternative I've got to do it my own.

Best regards,

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