On Jul 24, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Andrew La Motte-Mitchell wrote:

I didn't see any response to this question... was the discussion taken off-line? If anyone knows anything about this caching feature I'd really be interested to know.


I haven't seen any discussion. There is a VectorAppender in tests/ src used in the unit tests, but it isn't generally useful since it never writes things out. Use WriterAppender with a custom Writer implementation that buffers the formatted output until some signal to discard or commit the changes. There are a lot of tuning type issues (number of messages to cache, trigger for discard/commit) that you'd want to work out that makes it unlikely to come up with a generic solution. If you had a memory based disk, you could have RFA place the active log file on the memory disk and tweak the rolling policy to discard the file or move to more permanent storage based on your criteria.

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