On Jun 25, 2008, at 2:53 PM, David Tran wrote:


I am not very familiar with APR and APR-utils. I ran configure, make, and make install on apr fine, but when I try to make/make install apr-utils, it can’t find the file build/rules.mk Specified in the generated Makefile. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong or give a good pointer for a newbie? Thanks!

Try specifying the location of APR on the apr-util configure, like:

./configure --with-apr=PATH

If you did that and it still doesn't work, review the APR-util build instructions for anything that you missed and then try asking on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and provide much more detail on the system. [EMAIL PROTECTED] will have experience on a wider range of platforms than log4cxx-user@logging.apache.org and is the right venue for apr-util build problems.

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