On 2008-09-19 15:31, Jacob L. Anawalt wrote:
heartedly. This discussion and some recent tweaking of a mail service's log rotation (via logrotate) on one server motivated me to figure out how to make this work.

I have implemented this in my multi-threaded application by blocking all signals I want to respond to before starting any threads, and then starting an async signal handler thread to loop on sigwait. When I get a SIGHUP I simply call log4cxx::xml::DOMConfigurator::configure(confFile). This makes my program act like most daemons where they re-read the config and reopen files on SIGHUP.

This seems to work well, but I am going to review the log4cxx code a little closer since it is starting it's own threads, possibly before I block the signals. I didn't notice a problem in the "single threaded"* version using sigaction or this multi-threaded one but that could have been chance.

* In log4cxx-hup I was momentarily forgetting that log4cxx was starting it's own threads. It almost seems strange that I didn't run into trouble using sigaction.

Jacob Anawalt
Gecko Software, Inc.

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