
Sorry that I've been out of the loop on this.  The LOG4CXX_DECODE_CHAR and
> similar macros were written for internal use in log4cxx, doesn't mean that
> they shouldn't be usable outside of log4cxx, but the log4cxx API should make
> their use outside of log4cxx rare or unnecessary.

I guess i'm missing something then. I've been looking for a way to convert a
string (whether a CString or a simple C zero-terminated character string, i
don't care) into a LogString. I couldn't find anything relevant though,
except this.

If there is a simpler way, please enlighten me.
I only want to replace a hard-coded LogString value like this
         LogString filename(L"log\\myapplication.log");
into something so that i can programmatically determine the log file name.


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