Guten Tag ToddA,
am Montag, 8. September 2014 um 08:55 schrieben Sie:

> I thought I did. I provided a link to the complete compile log, with all
> errors, here:

Sorry, I've missed the link. Regarding ODBC, it seems intptr_t is
missing and needs to be included from somewhere, MSDN suggests
stddef.h. I've implemented a workaround for a maybe similar problem
for C++ Builder, but just can't remember anymore if it was for the
same missing types. Doesn't matter, the important thing is that it's
only applied if C++ Builder is the chosen compile, therefore the
workaround may work for you as well. Search apr-util-build.xml for
"bcc-needs-stdint" and do what it does manually to the mentioned
header file, either with the included stated there or stddef.h or
where ever the missing type comes from. If that fixes some of the ODBC
compile errors we can think of a way to include this workaround in the
build as well.

> I did a search through my build folders apache-ant-1.9.4, apache-log4cxx-
> from-svn.140907, apache-maven-3.2.3, apr, apr-util and there is only one file
> that defines XMLPARSEAPI: apr-util\xml\expat\lib\expat.h

That's bad, you need to test that on your own using #ifdef ... and
#error in expat.h right before the macro gets defined there.

> To see if I could make some progress in getting log4cxx to build, I decided
> to temporarily disable ODBC by editing apr-util\include\apu.hw and setting
> APU_HAVE_ODBC to zero. Here's the complete log:

I guess the warnings there are because of your old compiler, that's
something you need to fiddle on your own... The ODBC error may be
removed using "with-ODBC=no", because the default behavior is "auto",
which enables ODBC by default on Windows. The documentation is wrong
in that part, I fixed that on trunk already but didn't update the

Regarding fallbackerrorhandler.h, I guess the problem here is with
your old compiler as well, but have no idea right now. Have a look at
the file and object.h for the cast macros and see if you somehow can
get them working by rewriting or if they are needed at all...

Sorry, but I don't have the time to look into this any more detailed.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

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