Java House skrev  den 05-07-2008 18:10:
O/H Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen έγραψε:
Java House skrev  den 05-07-2008 16:27:
How bad is it, to NOT use static logger;

By having the logger variable static it means it is only initialized once when the class is loaded where as a non-static logger is initialized each time you create a new object from the class. If you do this a lot there might be a substantial overhead which is often unnecessary if the logger is the same for all objects.
I understand this.
I believe that is why it is disrecommended.
Please note that the object may be used by more than one thread so you should be aware that this might trick your RepositorySelector.

But this is exactly the problem I have by using a static logger object. The logger variable gets value from the last instantiated object which is any of the threads in question. The only way to make this work is if the logger object is not static.
Are you familiar with the ThreadLocal class? Sounds to me that that is what you might want to look into.


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