| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor   NOR=Normal    ENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|13099|Opn|Nor|2002-09-27|DOMConfigurator ignores category factory setting  |
|17887|Opn|Maj|2003-03-11|RollingFileAppender does not work for 10 threads  |
|20395|Inf|Enh|2003-06-01|PreparedStatementAppender Enhancement             |
|23329|New|Enh|2003-09-22|<logger> element in XML config should support reso|
|26084|Inf|Nor|2004-01-13|Log Event detail panel does not show special chara|
|27363|Inf|Enh|2004-03-02|JNI based SyslogAppender                          |
|27367|Inf|Enh|2004-03-02|NetSendAppender                                   |
|29244|Inf|Nor|2004-05-27|Preserve XML content in log messages when using XM|
|29305|New|Nor|2004-05-30|Chainsaw doesn't see locationinfo from XMLSocketRe|
|30055|New|Nor|2004-07-12|Problem with registering Appenders with the same n|
|30407|Inf|Maj|2004-07-30|Externally rolled file problem                    |
|30888|New|Maj|2004-08-27|Chainsaw mixes files in same panel                |
|30892|New|Min|2004-08-27|Log files cannot be closed                        |
|31089|New|Nor|2004-09-07|Does not accept ISO8601 dates in focus field      |
|31178|Inf|Cri|2004-09-11|Exception using Chainsaw for simple debugging     |
|31179|Ass|Enh|2004-09-11|Implement Chainsaw as Eclipse stand-alone applicat|
|33278|New|Min|2005-01-27|NPE thrown durring daily log file rollover        |
|33493|Inf|Enh|2005-02-10|contribution to log4j: servlet diagnostic context |
|34440|New|Nor|2005-04-13|sandbox:IMAppender - comma-seperated recipient lis|
|34491|Ver|Nor|2005-04-18|Missing include in build.jms target results in mis|
|34651|New|Enh|2005-04-27|allow for a header on top of every rolled file    |
|34738|Inf|Nor|2005-05-04|Chainsaw does not remember what Columns are select|
|34945|Inf|Nor|2005-05-17|ThrowableInformation has dubious Stack Trace extra|
|34974|Inf|Cri|2005-05-19|Exception when running a Pluglet                  |
|35239|Inf|Nor|2005-06-06|NullPointerException when saving displayed events |
|35563|Inf|Enh|2005-06-30|Syslog appender parametrability                   |
|35996|Inf|Enh|2005-08-03|Add support for ant-like <property> in log4j.xml  |
|36435|New|Enh|2005-08-31|Log4J RollingFileAppender under OpenVMS does not f|
|36654|Inf|Min|2005-09-14|Provide better error messages for "Please initiali|
|36789|Inf|Nor|2005-09-23|Empty control flow statement in org.apache.log4j.l|
|37349|Ass|Nor|2005-11-03|DBAppender not working with jTDS driver           |
|37638|New|Nor|2005-11-25|logging doesn't fall back with FallbackErrorHandle|
|37734|Inf|Nor|2005-12-01|Customize Event ID and Event Category with NTEVent|
|38363|Ass|Nor|2006-01-24|SecurityException during log output               |
|38394|Ver|Enh|2006-01-26|PropertySetter fails to print stacktrace if error |
|38395|Ver|Reg|2006-01-26|Unable to set threshold on appender via config fil|
|38406|Ver|Nor|2006-01-26|jdk1.4 dependencies in log4j 1.3 alpha            |
|38513|New|Nor|2006-02-05|[PATCH] Suggested unit test for JMSAppender       |
|38582|Ass|Nor|2006-02-08|Chainsaw does not include Receiver JavaDoc in dist|
|38590|Inf|Nor|2006-02-09|no space on device fails another instance         |
|38883|Opn|Nor|2006-03-07|LogFilePatternReceiver fails to process multi-line|
|39690|Inf|Cri|2006-05-31|Initialization fail in J2EE Environment           |
|39691|Ass|Nor|2006-05-31|DBAppender doesn't log long events                |
|40068|New|Nor|2006-07-18|Add support for attach-on-demand API to chainsaw  |
|40124|New|Min|2006-07-27|startup (JWS) does not initialize ignored elements|
|40251|Opn|Min|2006-08-14|Hard coded JMX domain name for MBean instances    |
|40382|Inf|Maj|2006-09-01|Sysappender hangs during boot time on HP          |
|40385|Inf|Maj|2006-09-01|SocketServer cannot find config file when passed a|
|40472|New|Nor|2006-09-11|SettingsManager calls loadSettings with global set|
|40533|New|Nor|2006-09-18|Chainsaw not showing all logging statements       |
|40570|Inf|Blk|2006-09-21|RollingFileAppender does not rollover when the fil|
|40611|New|Trv|2006-09-27|Bad subclass example; NullPointerException in Logg|
|40736|Inf|Nor|2006-10-11|log4j delete permission denied                    |
|40889|Inf|Nor|2006-11-03|repeated entries in log after failure             |
|40990|Inf|Nor|2006-11-17|Cannot bind port or ip address for outgoing UDP so|
|41006|Inf|Enh|2006-11-20|Contributing XMLSocketHubReceiver                 |
|41214|Ass|Maj|2006-12-19|Deadlock with RollingFileAppender                 |
|41311|Inf|Min|2007-01-06|Please make TimeBasedRollingPolicy non-final?     |
|41547|Inf|Nor|2007-02-05|PropertyConfigurator and layout.contentType       |
|41799|New|Enh|2007-03-09|SyslogAppender should enable to customize Log4j.Le|
|41882|Inf|Nor|2007-03-18|IE7 problems with Log4J web site                  |
|41937|New|Nor|2007-03-23|Logs from some panels missing in custom expression|
|41980|Inf|Maj|2007-03-29|Log4j stop updating log file- version log4j-1.2.8 |
|42189|Ass|Nor|2007-04-22|Add simple bridge for java.util.logging, with basi|
|42213|Opn|Blk|2007-04-24|log4j causing threads to stuck in weblogic        |
|42516|Inf|Nor|2007-05-24|Log4j failed to log file when packaged in Eclipse |
|42664|New|Enh|2007-06-14|JUL Appender                                      |
|42883|Opn|Nor|2007-07-12|'Welcome' and 'Drag & Drop' panels can't be hidden|
|42933|Inf|Maj|2007-07-18|IllegalStateException thrown from FileAppender.clo|
|43148|Ass|Nor|2007-08-16|LogFilePatternReceiver depends on jakarta-oro, cou|
|43277|New|Nor|2007-08-31|Add LogMF.entering, .exiting and .throwing methods|
|43313|Ass|Nor|2007-09-05|log4j 1.2.16 release considerations and discussion|
|43403|Inf|Nor|2007-09-16|PatternLayout: new format modifer: prefix if non-e|
|43619|New|Enh|2007-10-13|Simple proposal for pluggable sys-props resolvers |
|43637|Inf|Nor|2007-10-16|SocketAppender.append(LoggingEvent) calls the Erro|
|43728|Inf|Cri|2007-10-29|Log file loss when specified file is locked by ano|
|43736|Ass|Nor|2007-10-30|Chainsaw does not honor encoding when loading XML |
|43820|New|Enh|2007-11-08|[PATCH] Layered Configurator Patch                |
|43879|Inf|Nor|2007-11-16|FileAppender writes Header multiple times         |
|43911|Inf|Nor|2007-11-20|logfiles not getting rolled over with RollingFileA|
|43923|Inf|Min|2007-11-21|JBOSS specific information in javadocs            |
|44219|Inf|Nor|2008-01-13|'WARNING' for a log level is silently ignored/chan|
|44308|New|Enh|2008-01-28|[Patch] JMX component for managing Logger configur|
|44370|Inf|Reg|2008-02-06|MANIFEST.MF broken in log4j-1.2.15.jar            |
|44386|Opn|Nor|2008-02-10|NTEventLogAppender.dll for windows 64             |
|44526|Inf|Nor|2008-03-04|segmentation fault occuring when PropertyConfigura|
|44557|Inf|Nor|2008-03-07|no close call to Appender after replacing the root|
|44649|Inf|Nor|2008-03-20|JMS Hangs when a Root Appender                    |
|44700|Inf|Nor|2008-03-28|Log4J locks rolled log files                      |
|44727|Inf|Nor|2008-04-01|Add missing Logger#isErrorEnabled and isWarningEna|
|44834|Inf|Nor|2008-04-17|SimpleSocketServer looses buffered logs, produces |
|44839|Inf|Nor|2008-04-17|SyslogAppender logging to a UNIX domain socket    |
|44932|New|Cri|2008-05-05|improve DailyRollingFileAppender handling of rotat|
|44934|Inf|Enh|2008-05-05|add helper method to DailyRollingFileAppender to g|
|45042|New|Nor|2008-05-19|Need a reliable way to detect misconfiguration    |
|45109|Inf|Nor|2008-05-31|SMTPAppender uses wrong property for mail server  |
|45165|Ass|Enh|2008-06-09|Multifile Appender                                |
|45231|Ass|Nor|2008-06-18|Clear appenders call on logger calls a helper whic|
|45236|Inf|Cri|2008-06-19|Wriring output to an out-dated file.              |
|45304|Inf|Nor|2008-06-29|using log4j with OAS for some reasone all the logg|
|45482|Inf|Min|2008-07-25|Source contains unused variables                  |
|45629|New|Nor|2008-08-13|TopicConnection is not closed                     |
|45753|New|Nor|2008-09-06|Code contribution: BurstFilter for extras         |
|45781|New|Nor|2008-09-11|RollingFileAppender under Windows does not rotate |
|45855|New|Enh|2008-09-21|Add site/apt documentation for JULBridgeLogManager|
|45932|New|Nor|2008-10-01|Log4j JMX MBeans not cleaned up                   |
|45934|New|Enh|2008-10-02|FileAppender should use virtual-machine shutdown h|
|45939|New|Nor|2008-10-02|Cannot drop HierarchyDynamicMBean from LoggerRepos|
|46100|New|Enh|2008-10-27|NagiosAppender available for contribution         |
|46260|Inf|Nor|2008-11-21|RollingFileAppender and Tomcat has a strange behav|
|46426|Ass|Nor|2008-12-20|Implement commons-logging interfaces natively in l|
|46514|New|Nor|2009-01-12|provide API to re-init log4j                      |
|46533|New|Enh|2009-01-14|Deamon Thread                                     |
|46570|New|Nor|2009-01-20|DailyRollingFileAppender rolls logs into files dat|
|46573|Inf|Maj|2009-01-21|MDC attributes cant't be displayed on Chainsaw    |
|46592|Opn|Trv|2009-01-23|trim() on property file entries                   |
|46626|New|Enh|2009-01-29|Log4J 1.2.15 SyslogAppender doesn't not handle TAG|
|46691|New|Nor|2009-02-10|log4j file rolling over on restart of the server  |
|46804|New|Enh|2009-03-05|create the method PropertyConfigurator.configureAn|
|46868|New|Nor|2009-03-17|SocketHUBAppender: Allow restriction of binding to|
|46878|New|Cri|2009-03-19|Deadlock in 1.2.15 caused by AsyncAppender and Thr|
|46941|New|Enh|2009-03-31|Sub Level Logging Technique                       |
|46983|New|Enh|2009-04-07|More Debug output for log4j auto-configure request|
|47004|Inf|Nor|2009-04-08|log messages occasionally sharing a line          |
|47123|New|Blk|2009-04-29|TimeBasedRollingPolicy appends logs into a old log|
|47141|Inf|Enh|2009-05-02|add getCyclicBuffer() method to log4j SMTPAppender|
|47164|New|Enh|2009-05-07|HTMLLayout replace newline with <BR>              |
|47208|New|Enh|2009-05-17|Better Default colours for Log Panel Color Filter |
|47357|New|Min|2009-06-11|Declaring logger and category with same name cause|
|47575|Inf|Nor|2009-07-24|GZipping large files stops logging                |
|47595|Opn|Nor|2009-07-28|[companion] POMs of companions have problems      |
|47703|New|Nor|2009-08-18|Object rendering ought to be done outside synchron|
|47713|Inf|Nor|2009-08-20|SMTPAppender system properties propagation issue  |
|47740|Inf|Nor|2009-08-26|log4j 1.2.15 deadlock RootAppender NDC            |
|47883|New|Nor|2009-09-21|Lines dropped with UseNewHashFunction             |
|47898|Inf|Maj|2009-09-24|DailyRollingFileAppender unable to create backup l|
|47960|New|Min|2009-10-08|CompositeAppender contribution                    |
|48027|Inf|Cri|2009-10-20|Logger statements in a particular class file is no|
|48141|Inf|Cri|2009-11-05|Log file rotation issue in Linux VM               |
|48188|New|Min|2009-11-12|Outdated reference to the 1.3 branch in FAQ       |
|48189|New|Trv|2009-11-12|Ceki Gülcü's name misspelled in the FAQ           |
|48209|New|Nor|2009-11-17|Websphere 6.0: logging statements appear in the SY|
|48220|New|Min|2009-11-18|LoggingEvent.mdcCopy serialization with non-serial|
|48244|New|Min|2009-11-19|Socket Server configuration does not handle not re|
|48355|New|Cri|2009-12-08|Download page problems                            |
|48356|New|Nor|2009-12-08|Download page does not have link to KEYS file     |
|48365|New|Maj|2009-12-10|Log4J DailyRollingFileAppender sometimes does not |
|48430|New|Nor|2009-12-22|log4j:ERROR Write failure. java.io.IOException: St|
|48502|New|Cri|2010-01-07|Issue: Rotation file is not getting created - Roll|
|48527|New|Maj|2010-01-11|maven metadata is out of date                     |
|48583|New|Enh|2010-01-20|allow format of timestamp (first column of log fil|
|48588|New|Nor|2010-01-21|DOMConfigurator does not close input stream when c|
|48607|New|Cri|2010-01-25|Log levels are not displayed corectly             |
|48679|New|Nor|2010-02-04|performance of getEffectiveLevel can be significan|
|48704|New|Nor|2010-02-08|Multiple Java Process in Cluster Logging to the sa|
| Total  155 bugs                                                           |

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