Thanks for the quick response!  I pulled down your custom build and it's
definitely fixed some things (notably the "please load a config file" intro
screen), but I'm still not getting it.

I pointed chainsaw at the config file you posted on SO but it didn't seem
to cause chainsaw to do anything (no recievers defined, zeroconf still did
nothing).  After that I tried opening the log file but it wouldn't open.
 When I switched the logging format back to XMLLayout chainsaw could
manually open it, but it still didn't tail.  Could the not tailing be
related to the XML format?  Is there a more tail-friendly format that will

On an unrelated note, in the new version the horizontal resizing (of the
recievers pane and the pane on the other side) seems to be broken, it's not
really a problem, just a heads up.


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Scott Deboy <> wrote:

> Thanks for posting to the dev list!
> I've commented on your stackoverflow post.  There were a few issues.
>  - Stale docs (sorry)
>  - No support in Chainsaw V2 for Log4j2 socketappenders yet
>  - Chainsaw wasn't setting up a 'tailing' log file receiver
> configuration for the advertised fileappender
> Those are all fixed, and I commented on the stackoverflow post.
> Thanks much!
> On 5/10/13, M@ <> wrote:
> > Hi all, I'm trying to get a basic hello world log message to stream from
> > log4j2 (beta 5, the binary release as of yesterday) to chainsaw v2 (also
> > the binary release as of yesterday). None of my guesses as to what to put
> > into log4j2.xml have proven fruitful. I'm also asking this question on
> > stack overflow (
> >
> )
> > if you'd like to get some goodness points in exchange for the answer
> > (otherwise I'll copy whatever I get working to there and keep the
> goodness
> > points for myself).
> >
> > My config file is posted in the SO question, but I'd be just as happy
> > scrapping the whole thing and pasting in something that ought to work,
> > whichever is easier. Thanks for your help!
> >
> > --M@
> >
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