Hello everyone,

last thursday i had a small chat with christian grobmeier on a java user group
i am doing a lot of search and analytics in my daily business and i am very
interessted in developing a component that directly logs into a
solr/elasticsearch index

Over a year ago i allready did some development on a solr appender
if you are interesetedyou can have  a look at

I like to develop a new component for log4j 2

My questions to you
 - is there allready done or planned in that direction?
 - where would such a component would fits best to log2j?  (appender? plugin?)
 - whats the best way to configure an "appender"? in my first versionof the solr
appender i had a lot of optional field mapping whicht made the configuration
within the log4j.xml quite big

would be great to get some feedback.
this could be a good way to connect log events directly to a tool like kibana

Markus Klose

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