After looking more closely I found that the 
java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[], 
java.lang.Throwable)> method is currently not implemented in a garbage-free 
manner in the log4j-slf4j-impl binding. It creates a new message object for 
each call. If there is interest we can address this in a future release. 
Other methods seem okay. 

On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 4:57:10 PM UTC+9, Jerry Shea wrote:
> Ok thanks!
> On 19 May 2016 5:10 pm, "Remko Popma" < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 11:10:45 AM UTC+9, Jerry Shea wrote:
>> > This is fantastic, thanks for this Remko.
>> >
>> >
>> > Can I ask a couple of questions?
>> > 1. is log4j 2.6 designed to operate garbage-free when used as an SLF4J 
>> implementation too, or only with the native API?
>> The log4j-slf4j-impl binding is trying to be garbage-free, but the SLF4J 
>> API only offers up to two parameters for a parameterized message. More than 
>> that uses varargs which creates a temporary object for the parameter array. 
>> The native Log4j 2.6 API has methods for up to ten unrolled parameters.
>> Another consideration is that the native Log4j 2 API lets you log 
>> Objects, not just Strings. Any Object that implements CharSequence can be 
>> logged without creating garbage.
>> You can also implement the log4j Message interface if you want to 
>> separate formatting from your business domain objects.
>> Finally, the native Log4j 2 API has support for logging Java 8 lambdas 
>> (since 2.4).
>> > 2. when do you expect log4j 2.6 to be released GA i.e. ready for 
>> production use?
>> Barring any showstoppers, I expect it will be available in a week or so.
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