Here it is. As I recall I borrowed this from several sources but I cannot 
recall what they were.

Message levels
Log4j defines five levels of logging messages, ranging from TRACE to FATAL. The 
guidelines for their use are very vague and in the grand UNIX tradition mix 
severity of the message with its granularity. The following summary defines the 
basic rules on when to use a specific level, who the target audience is and how 
any message of the specified level will be interpreted.
Note that all events with level INFO or higher present an API-like contract of 
the system from the integration point-of-view: if they change, third-party 
systems such as monitoring may need to be updated to work correctly with the 
new system release. The message text on these levels should be understandable 
to people with networking and systems administration background, so any 
language assuming knowledge of programming in general, or Java in particular, 
should be avoided if at all possible.
Messages on DEBUG and higher present are part of interface contract with 
support entities, e.g. if they are changed operator and troubleshooting 
manuals, as well as knowledge-base systems may need to be updated to correctly 
interpret the information conveyed. On the DEBUG level, messages may assume a 
slight level of familiarity with general programming concepts. Terminology 
specific to any programming language should be avoided if possible.
This should generally only be used for recording a failure that prevents the 
system starting, i.e. the system is completely unusable. It is also possible 
that errors during operation will also render the system unusable, but 
typically these will be identified as java.lang.Error instances (such as an 
OutOfMemoryError), and hence we will not likely catch them, since catching 
Throwable should only be done in very special cases.
Records that something went wrong, i.e. some sort of failure occurred, and 
The system was not able to recover from the error, or
The system was able to recover, but at the expense of losing some information 
or failing to honour a request.
This should be immediately brought to the attention of an operator. Or to 
rephrase it, if your error does not need immediate investigation by an 
operator, then it isn’t an error.
To permit monitoring tools to watch the log files for ERRORs and WARNings is 
crucial that:
These get logged
Sufficient information is provided to identify the cause of the problem
The logging is done in a standard way, which lends itself to automatic 
For example, if the error is caused by a configuration failure, the 
configuration filename should be provided (especially if you have more than one 
file, yuck), as well as the property causing the problem.
A WARN message records that something in the system was not as expected. It is 
not an error, i.e. it is not preventing correct operation of the system or any 
part of it, but it is still an indicator that something is wrong with the 
system that the operator should be aware of, and may wish to investigate. This 
level may be used for errors in user-supplied information.
INFO priority messages are intended to show what’s going on in the system, at a 
broad-brush level. INFO messages do not indicate that something’s amiss (use 
WARN or ERROR for that), and the system should be able to run at full speed in 
production with INFO level logging. The following types of message are probably 
appropriate at INFO level: <System component> successfully initialised 
<Transaction type> transaction started, member: <member number>, amount: 
<amount> <Transaction type> transaction completed, txNo: <transaction number>, 
member: <member number>, amount: <amount>, result: <result code>
DEBUG messages are intended to help isolate a problem in a running system, by 
showing the code that is executed, and the context information used during that 
execution. In many cases, it is that context information that is most 
important, so you should take pains to make the context as useful as possible. 
For example, the message ‘doTransaction() started’ says nothing about which 
merchant the transaction is for, the type of transaction, the amount, or 
anything else that might help us to relate this to a transaction that failed. 
Using Log4J’s ThreadContext there is a common mechanism provided for 
thread-based (effectively request-based) context (things like session IDs, 
transaction IDs etc.), so if some of the context in your message should be 
common to all log messages for this request, set it in the context (and make 
sure your PatternLayout can display it). In normal operation, a production 
system would not be expected to run at DEBUG level. However, if there is an 
occasional problem being experienced, DEBUG logging may be enabled for an 
extended period, so it’s important that the overhead of this is not too high 
(up to 25% is perhaps OK).
This is the fine-grained diagnostic level, serving for events which indicate 
internal state transitions in full detail. Events on this level are not 
reported, but have to be explicitly enabled and may be collected for support 
Placement, amount and contents of these events is completely at the discretion 
of development engineers. These events are completely release-specific, may 
change even between minor releases. Examples of events reported at this level 
would be method entry and exit, possibly including detailed input arguments, 
and dumps of internal data as it is being modified.
Primary audience of these events are senior support personnel and development 
engineers diagnosing operational irregularities which relate directly to code 
structure, mainly offline after being captured on a live system.

> On Feb 2, 2017, at 12:30 AM, Apache <> wrote:
> I have some guidelines on a wiki for work. I will forward them when I get 
> home.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 1, 2017, at 8:29 PM, Matt Sicker < 
> <>> wrote:
>> I had a meeting at work recently where a small debate was brought up as to 
>> what sorts of things to log at each logging level. I had my own opinion 
>> about it, of course, but I noticed that there are brief notes in the 
>> javadocs about each level (going back in the git logs, it look like Ralph 
>> wrote those notes almost 6 years ago!) and that's about it when it comes to 
>> any sort of specifics.
>> Does anyone have some more elaborations on why you'd use each level? Or some 
>> more concrete differences between, for example, error/warn and debug/trace? 
>> Perhaps some examples reflecting how you've used it in the past or even 
>> custom logging levels you've added?
>> In a related idea, I'm kind of thinking that a general page about logging 
>> concepts may be useful for the manual, so I'd like to gather some opinions 
>> on said topics first.
>> -- 
>> Matt Sicker < <>>

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