No wait, the lazy voting thing at Commons is just the same form we use for
code, just with an email plus a 72 hour notice. Makes sense for repository
changes since those are a pain to reverse once the format is changed to git.

On 7 March 2017 at 23:07, Matt Sicker <> wrote:

> The -1 thing is mentioned here <>
> regarding a -1 being a veto for anything consensus-related (generally
> anything to do with adding or removing committers/PMCs). I suppose in that
> context, a mailing list change probably falls under lazy majority, though
> whatever it is we're doing at Commons for lazy votes isn't on that page.
> On 7 March 2017 at 22:59, Ralph Goers <> wrote:
>> +1
>> Note that generally a -1 is a veto only on code commits. On everything
>> else it just means you are against the proposal. However, we generally
>> strive for consensus so great weight is given to binding votes that are
>> opposed.
>> Ralph
>> On Mar 7, 2017, at 9:23 PM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>> This is my +1.
>> If this is the incorrect voting format and we need to do a 2/3 majority
>> instead, please veto this and let me know. This situation is not spelled
>> out in the bylaws.
>> On 7 March 2017 at 22:20, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>> I may be missing some mailing lists considering I just subscribed to
>>> half of them less than five minutes ago.
>>> This is a vote to merge the various Apache Logging Services mailing
>>> lists. The proposal is to combine them as follows:
>>> log4j-dev@, log4php-dev@, log4net-dev@, log4cxx-dev@ ->
>>> log4j-user@, log4php-user@, log4net-user@, log4cxx-user@, general@ ->
>>> commits@ and private@ remain the same as before.
>>> The proposal would also suggest that the old emails become aliases for
>>> the combined email names so as not to lose any future emails. To
>>> distinguish between projects, a subject tag can be added such as:
>>> [java]
>>> [net]
>>> [cxx]
>>> [php]
>>> Though I wouldn't think such a tag is required, though it should help in
>>> gaining the attention of the appropriate audience.
>>> Voting:
>>> +1: Yes, combine the mailing lists!
>>> +0: Go ahead, don't care that much.
>>> -0: Don't like it, but not vetoing it.
>>> -1: No, don't do that! I have a better idea!
>>> This vote follows the same "lazy consensus" (at least 3 +1 binding, no
>>> -1/vetoes) we use for general releases and whatnot. The vote will be open
>>> for at least 72 hours.
>>> --
>>> Matt Sicker <>
>> --
>> Matt Sicker <>
> --
> Matt Sicker <>

Matt Sicker <>

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