At 09:34 29.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Thanks for the ideas.
>So are you saying that having a dollar sign will screw up the hierarchy?  I
>just assumed that "com.Outer" would be a parent of "com.Outer$Inner".  If
>not, how about an enhancement that allows the "$" symbol to be interpreted
>as a separator as well?  (Sorry, normally I would have just tested this, but
>I'm short on time this week.)

Correct. Only the dots in a name are meaningful in hierarchy parsing. 
Dollars have no special meaning.

>Although looking up the category dynamically is slower, I don't think it's
>slow enough to warrant changing how I name the category and name its
>variable (Again, if you're constructing the inner classes millions of times,
>then that may be a concern.)

Correct. To convince yourself, you might wish to write a small test app 
that measures the speed of calling


It should be in the order of a few micro seconds. Regards, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü - Independent IT Consultant

av. de Rumine 5            Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15
CH-1005 Lausanne        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or
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