
How about creating a PrintStream, say X, that captures System.err. You can 
do this by
invoking System.setErr(x) where x is an instance of X.

The print(String s) and println(String s) methods of X would then redirect 
to log4j by calling root.info(s) where root is the root category. I have 
not tried this but the idea has been suggested by a number of log4j users. 
Do you think that would work? Ceki

At 11:30 30.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>How are people capturing things being sent to System.err?  Prior to using
>log4j the solution was simple: I was logging out to a file and did a
>System.setErr(...) to a FileWriter to the file.
>Unfortunately, that doesn't work with log4j and it's a real problem.  I've
>created a ThreadGroup that my app runs in to capture exceptions that way,
>but there are other places -- like java.awt.EventDispatchQueue -- that
>bypass that mechanism.  (There's a hack [Sun's word] to capture exceptions
>in EventDispatchQueue, but that's only with JDK 1.2 and above.)  There's
>other places as well that like to simply spit out to System.err.  If I've
>got an SMTPAppender sending me messages, for example, it could easily be
>vitally important to debugging the problem to know that EventDispatchQueue
>had hit an OutOfMemoryException which is what generated the error that sent
>the email.

Ceki Gülcü - Independent IT Consultant

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