
One explanation I see is that there is a separate thread logging in between the 
resetConfiguration() and configure() calls. Is that the case here? Ceki

At 08:43 01.02.2001 -0800, you wrote:

>Sorry about the previous RTF message. Here it is in plain text: 
>Is the resetConfiguration/configure logic  (specifically PropertyConfigurator) a 
>little buggy? 
>I spun up an application with a PropertyConfigurator and it worked just fine. 
>I then tried to reconfigure log4j at run-time in the following way: 
>1) Issue a PropertyConfigurator.resetConfiguration() method call. 
>2) Issue a PropertyConfigurator.configure method call with a new Properties class. 
>I get the following output, (with the  -Dlog4j.configDebug=true flag set): 
>log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (root). 
>log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly. 
>log4j: Parsing for [root] with value=[INFO, BPTraceLog]. 
>log4j: Priority token is [INFO]. 
>log4j: Category root set to INFO 
>log4j: Parsing appender named "BPTraceLog". 
>log4j: Option Threshold=[null]. 
>log4j: Option File=[bptrace.log]. 
>log4j: Option Append=[false]. 
>log4j: Option ImmediateFlush=[null]. 
>log4j: Parsed "BPTraceLog" options. 
>log4j: Parsing layout options for "BPTraceLog". 
>log4j: Option ConversionPattern=[%d [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n]. 
>log4j: End of parsing for "BPTraceLog". 
>log4j: Finished configuring. 
>...something seems funny because it is screaming about "no appenders for category 
>and then proceeds to parse out exactly what it was looking for... 
>Thanks in advance for any insights... 
>Rich Trevor 

Ceki Gülcü - Independent IT Consultant                                        

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