Hi all log4j users and extenders,

I would like to as+k this question, maybe some of the more generous of you will 
reply (I promise a postcard to the people who reply).  Anyway,

Have I understood correctly from the previous mails and program workings that 
the getHeader() and getFooter() methods are useless when using a FileAppender ?

The problem is that I have extended layout to my own XMLCustomLayout and would 
like to set the XML header and footers appropriately.  I have defined the 
following getHeader() and getFooter() methods -

public String getHeader() {
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  buf.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");       
buf.append("<my-log xmlns=\"http://www.go.com/\">\n");
  return buf.toString();
public String getFooter() {
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  return buf.toString();

Is this a bug, are the people involved in log4j intending to solve it ?
These two methods are there, everything is compiled, yet neither the footer nor 
the header appear in the final log files... maybe I should add something to the 
config file ?  Please help

Many Thanks

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