At 10:04 15.02.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>As a follow up to this, having to set my own boolean would add to the work
>to implement log4j, and require more learning.  I would definitly love to
>have a static method tell me if I have loaded the file.

That's a reasonable demand. There is a difference between finding the configuration 
file and properly parsing it. The desired semantics is to see if config file was found 
and correctly parsed not just found. This requires that the configurators need to 
throw exceptions in case of parsing errors which is not the case today. 

>My other question, how do I turn off the automatic look for properties?  


>have all my log property files loaded on a single server, and regardless of
>where the app is running, it knows which single server to check.  This means
>though that I keep throwing an error everytime I run an app bc is
>automatically looks for the property file.

Doesn't compute. Cheers, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü           e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
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