My best determination is that it's a weblogic bug. I took weblogic's sample
JMS Topic subscriber ( and modified it with the few lines
of code required to make it log4j aware, and it works fine.

The difference? JMSSink uses synchronous message reception and the weblogic
sample code uses an event handler to get messages asynchronously. Same
problem occurs if I take log4j out of the picture (not that I ever thought
log4j was the culprit) and send String messages. I am fairly certain
weblogic is to blame. I have not tried applying SP-8 to weblogic but this
problem occurs at least up to SP-6.

Here is the major change to TopicReceiver - code I stole from
and then poorly smashed into TopicReceiver to make things work. This is
neither efficient nor original code.

===CUT HERE===
      if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
        msgText = ((TextMessage)msg).getText();
        System.out.println("JMS Message Received: "+ msgText );
      } else if (msg instanceof ObjectMessage) {
        LoggingEvent event;
        Category remoteCategory;

            event = (LoggingEvent) ((ObjectMessage)msg).getObject();
            remoteCategory = Category.getInstance(event.categoryName);
      } else {
        msgText = msg.toString();
        System.out.println("JMS Message Received: "+ msgText );
===CUT HERE===

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:18 PM
> Subject: JMSAppender Going 'deaf'
> Importance: High
> Scott,
> I am having the same problem that you had with the JMSSink.  I receive
> several log messages, and then my application goes 'deaf' and I do not
> receive any more.  I am using weblogic 5.1 as the JMS
> provider.  Both the
> publisher and the subscriber are stand-alone Java applications.
> I notice that I get the following trace on my weblogic console:
> [MessageQueue] : ObjectMessage[ID:N6,null]: REQUEST TIMED
> OUT,weblogic.jms.common.TimeoutException: Request Timed Out
> Does anyone know what is going on?

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