Maybe the question sucks, but it is from problems i have to face at.

I am writting a web based application aiming at monitoring and controlling the logging behavior of our application server, which uses log4j in applicaitons code. The problem is, there are so many set(...) methods, but lacks related get(...) methods in log4j API, that make it hard to get run time information of logging. The following are some examples.

we have setErrorHandler(..), setLayout(...), but have no getErrorHandler() and getLayout().
I really want to know what layout my appender is using at run time.
We have "public void setOption(String
option, String value)", but no "public String getOption(String key)" which return the option value as a String. Isn't it convennient that we can know the file name of my appender by using something like getOpotion("FileOption") or the
maxBackupIndex value by using getOtion("Max_Backup_Index_Option") ??
We have setFile(..), but no getFile()
we have setConversionPattern(..), but no getConversionPattern()


Of course i can get some of these information from the configuration file. The problem is, run time logging behavior can change dynamically using those set(...), add(....) and remove(..) methods, that make it not consisten with the config files. In addition, I want the config files to offer some default behavior when the appllications loaded up, but set/reset the logging behavior without changing the configuration files. If I really find one behavior is better to be written into the config file, I can save it.

I tried to add some get() stuff in the log4j code, and find that a "public String getOption(String key)" method is really helpful in my application, it fulfills most of the get() tasks.

Is there any concerns related with these get() stuffs behind the log4j architecture ?

Thanks a lot.


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